A Tale of Halloween Candy and Evil Wind
Health & Wellness / Lifestyle

A Tale of Halloween Candy and Evil Wind

Once upon a time, there lived a doctor of Oriental medicine (DOM). He was lean and clean (4% body fat), fit (a fitness trainer) and healthy (a health coach). Long ago, he’d stopped worrying, hurrying and overeating, and consequently hadn’t gotten sick for such a long time. He thought himself to be nearly invincible. Such hubris rarely ends well.

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Did any of you ever get the feeling in school that it simply was not OK to speak about wanting to be successful? To get into the nitty gritty details of how to make money in practice? Maybe you were even someone like me who was directly told by someone in a position of power that I needed to take what I could get because in private practice, I wouldn’t make money.

Nell Smircina, MBA, DAOM, LAc, Dipl. OM
The Ideal Way to Perform Floor-to-Stand Transitions

We take it for granted when we’re young, but the ability to stand up from the floor becomes progressively more difficult as we get older. The age-related impaired performance with floor-to-stand transitions is particularly troublesome following a fall, as nearly 50% of people over the age of 70 who fall are unable to get up on their own

Thomas Michaud, DC

Effective cosmetic acupuncture begins with understanding your patient’s goals and managing their expectations. This process is essential for both the success of the treatment and the satisfaction of the patient. In this article, let’s explore the foundational steps of goal setting, emphasizing the importance of open communication, active listening, and setting realistic expectations.

Michelle Gellis, AP, Dipl. Ac.
Reader Favorites
Weight Loss / Eating Habits

Every time the holiday season approaches, I invariably encounter questions about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle or receive requests for advice on preventing weight gain during this festive period. Here are the top strategies and practices I teach my patients to help them lean into intuitive eating and away from diet culture, especially during the holidays.

Kim Peirano, DACM, LAc
Chronic / Acute Conditions  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE

I have spent the past 48 years researching effective treatments for postviral and other causes of CFS and fibromyalgia. This has included eight studies on a variety of effective treatments and protocols. Long COVID is simply one more form of postviral chronic fatigue syndrome.

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Anti Aging / Healthy Aging  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE
Including Objective Findings From a V02 Max Test in Your TCM Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Longevity is becoming a commonly used word to describe a method of living or a medical practice or system that may potentially lead to a “long life.” Many modern clinics, be they allopathic or complementary and alternative, include the word in their clinic name or on their website to draw patients to their practice.

Tara Kulikov, DACM, MSTOM, MA
Consequences, Diagnostic Criteria, Potential Solutions

Metabolic syndrome is a complex disorder based on aberrant glucose metabolism involving numerous coexisting and interconnected conditions. With approximately 100 million Americans (35% of adults)1 suffering from the multitude of its far-reaching effects, it couldn’t be more relevant to our current collective health and well-being. 

J William Beakey, OMD
Health Care / Public Health
Study by Memorial Sloan Kettering Herbal Oncology Program a Major Step in the Right Direction

The Herbal Oncology Program (HOP), developed at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Cancer Center by its Integrative Medicine Service (IMS) and Pharmacy Departments, published findings from a groundbreaking study last year that explores the efficacy of herbal formulas to support cancer patients, providing valuable insights for future studies and treatment strategies.

Christine Chang, DAOM, LAc, Dipl. OM

With thousands of years of theory, method, and ideologies combined with modern research, new techniques, and an ever-expanding knowledge base, how is it possible to know which strategies and theories are the “best” for that patient at that moment in time, with that particular collection of signs and symptoms? Most of us, myself included, answer this question with our cognitive biases on full display. 

Tom Ingegno, DACM, LAc