User IDs and Passwords Are Coming!

Editorial Staff

In the next few months, will undergo a revision that will provide additional functionality for licensed acupuncturists to enjoy. To accommodate this process, will issue unique user ID numbers and passwords to each practitioner; this information will appear at the top of the front page of the April 2003 issue.

One reason behind the creation of user IDs and passwords is to give our readers the ability to customize certain sections of the site to meet their needs. With these new features in place, visitors will be able to enjoy more privacy and security. These features will also enhance the overall experience of visiting

Please be assured that while reserves the right to perform statistical analyses to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the site, we do not include any personally identifying information in those analyses. For example, we may tell an advertiser that a certain number of visitors visited a certain page over a certain period of time, but we will not divulge the names, e-mail addresses or other personal information regarding those visitors. (For specific information please see our Privacy Policy at:

March 2003
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