Think of your most difficult patient – the one you try to motivate and work so hard with to develop a realistic treatment plan with achievable and measurable goals. Week after week, you see this patient struggle, sinking deeper into hopelessness as their health and quality of life continue to worsen. What if there was something else you could do that could change their outlook and their life? The solution is as simple as an automated program.
| Digital ExclusiveAcupuncture Poll
The Acupuncture Poll's question for November 2003 was:
"How did you celebrate Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day at your practice?"
Results are as follows:
These results are based upon 93 responses. As this is a voluntary, non-scientific survey, caution should be used in generalizing the results. Here is a sample of the comments made by those who took the survey and how they voted:
(no vote): I organized a meeting between a state senator, a state representative and several local acupuncturists. I gave them each a packet of information about acupuncture and the issues that are of interest to us. They were very receptive, and now they have some faces to connect to the issues that may come up in the upcoming legislative session.
I passed out literature to prospective patients: I put a table outside my practice with a big sign that said, "Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Day Oct. 24th." I also had a table sign that said, "Meet the Acupuncturist." Brochures and cards were on hand, in addition to sweet snacks (honey) to draw the crowd.
I held an open house: I had half-hour appointments throughout the day for people to meet me and ask questions about acupuncture and their personal concerns. They also received a free demonstration treatment.
I gave free acupuncture/herbal medicine treatments: The event was listed in the calendar section of a local newspaper, offering free treatments from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. We scheduled 22 patients that had never tried acupuncture before. We gave a general relaxation treatment: shenmen, yintang, LI 4 and Liv 3. Ten of those patients called back to schedule regular sessions.
Editor's note: None of the respondents chose the answer, "I offered free seminars and/or lectures." For more information on the Acupuncture Poll, contact Acupuncture Today at