Consequences for HIPAA violations can often be quite harsh. If someone has breached the HIPAA privacy regulations – even without any malicious intent, civil penalties are applicable: $100 per violation for unawareness, a minimum of $1,000 for reasonable cause, a minimum of $10,000 if willful neglect is present and then rectified, and finally, a minimum of $50,000 for individuals who act with willful neglect and ignore the issue.
| Digital ExclusiveWhat Are My Choices?
Now that you've decided to become a licensed acupuncturist, what do you do next? Where can you go to find information on the latest products, continuing education programs, and other goods and services to help your practice grow?
"What Are My Choices?" is here to answer those questions. What Are My Choices? is a periodic column that gives you the information you need straight from the experts - the companies themselves. This issue's column focuses on companies that offer seminars, workshops and continuing education units - all important components of a successful acupuncture and Oriental medicine practice.
Acutonics® Sound Healing & Education: Treat a wide variety of physical, emotional and mental issues with these powerful tools. We use non-invasive tuning forks calibrated to planetary energetics to access specific acupuncture points and chakras. Vibration is deeply transformed through tissues, cells and organs. Clinically proven effective by a decade. Tel: 617-232-2819; e-mail:; Web:
Aukoshimo Professional Training Program: provides computer software and books related to Acupuncture, Koryo Hand Therapy, Auricular Therapy for all health practitioners. Also organizes seminars and online/electronic schooling for CEU credits for Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Medical Doctors as well as programs and books for exam preparation for those who wish to take NCCAOM and State board exam all over United States.
Products and services include: Acupuncture Practice Exam CD and Book; Herbology Practice Exam CD; Point Location Practice Exam CD; Acupuncture for Chiropractors and Medical Doctors; Auricular Therapy Treatment CD; Koryo hand Therapy Programs; Electronic Schooling for Koryo Hand Therapy; Auricular Therapy and Acupuncture Therapy (CEU Credits); Constitutional Book and more. Tel: 808-542-3212; e-mail:; Web:
Bastyr University: Building on Bastyr University's leadership in the field of natural medicine, Bastyr University Extended Education offers continuing education courses by esteemed instructors, supporting life-long learning for acupuncturists and other health care providers. Of particular interest this fall are Kiiko's Clinical Applications of Su-Wen and Ling-Shu Theories, led by Kiiko Matsumoto, October 9-10; and Using Chinese Herbs for Healthy Menopause, Bones and Spirit, led by Sharon Weizenbaum, November 13-14. Tel: 425-602-3075; e-mail:; Web:
Bio Cranial: Tel:718-886-6056; Web:
Cosmetic Acupuncture Seminars: Tel: 303-349-2932; Web:
David Singer Enterprises: Dr. David Singer is the CEO of David Singer Enterprises, a company offering an honest and ethical approach to building a natural healthcare practice through one-on-one consulting programs, products, and practice expansion seminars. Dr. Singer's purpose is to help make natural healthcare the primary healthcare choice in the world by teaching practitioners how to better educate patients and how to increase profits and efficiency through advanced marketing techniques and patient volume building. Tel: 800-326-1797; e-mail:; Web:
Dr. Zee Lo: Tel: 800-864-1092; Web:
Emperors College of Oriental Medicine: Tel: 310-453-8300; Web:
Healing Qi Institute: A branch of the International Institute of Medical Qigong in Los Angeles. The Institute offers one-day seminars on "Mastering Healing Qi" and also the Medical Qigong certification program of the International Institute of Medical Qigong in 5-day seminars intensives. These seminars are open to both laypersons and health professionals alike.
Products and services include: "Mastering Healing Qi" one-day seminars. Medical Qigong certification program intensive seminars. Tel: 323-664 8241; e-mail:; Web:
Hood River Acupuncture: Hood River, Oregon is one of the most extraordinarily beautiful and recreationally rich destinations in the world. Hood River Acupuncture Seminars decided to invite other Acupuncturists to experience the beauty of the magnificent Columbia River Gorge and fulfill their National and California CEU requirements in the presence of some of Chinese Medicine's best instructors.
We offer user-friendly, well-organized Acupuncture Seminars in a beautiful setting that lends itself to an extended stay. Tel: 866-580-2062; e-mail:; Web:
I Ching Acupuncture Center: One of the most effective acupuncture treatments. Dr. Chao Chen, the developer of I Ching Acupuncture, has practiced acupuncture for more than 40 years. Dr. Chao Chen combined numerous principles and Ba Gua balance systems of I Ching, and he developed a powerful and effective method to find optimal balance points. Yu Chen, Dr. Chen's son, is currently conducting I Ching Acupuncture seminars throughout the United States, teaching and sharing his clinical experience with students. Tel: 626-852-0688; Web:
Institute of Chinese Herbology: Tel: 800-736-0182; Web:
Institute of Taoist Education & Acupuncture, Inc: The Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture, in Louisville, Colorado, teaches a four-year Master's-level training in Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, in candidacy for accreditation with ACAOM. Hilary Skellon, Director of ITEA, holds two or three day continuing education trainings three times a year for CFEA practitioners. CEUs are given. Our student clinic, supervised by our experienced faculty, offers treatments at reduced rates. Tel: 720-890-8922.
International Academy of Medical Acupuncture: Tel: 480-488-9787; Web:
Lerner Education: Tel: 800-838-8584; Web:
Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine: Tel: 866-905-6887; Web:
National Acupuncture Detoxification Association: Since 1985, NADA has trained more than 10,000 health professionals around the world in a simple auricular protocol to be used as an adjunct to traditional treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. Besides training, NADA offers a wide range of reference material dealing with all clinical aspects of acupuncture-aided addiction medicine. Tel: 888-765-NADA; e-mail:; Web:
New England School of Acupuncture: Tel: 617-926-1788 x 112; Web:
NMT Seminars: The Feinberg Technique. When illness strikes, the body is not out of control, rather it is controlled by an "erroneous instruction set" directing it away from homeostasis. NMT is a non-force system of energetic healing that permits the doctor to access and assess the body's "Autonomic Control System" and modulate such control faults in a real time way. Chronic pain, allergy, internal disorders, neurological and emotional issues resolve with stunning speed and durability.
Products and services include: NMT Comprehensive, Advanced, and Symposium seminars; Web-based continuing education; Study aids. Tel: 541-720-1383; Web:
Oriental Medical Arts: Oriental Medical Arts is dedicated to supporting our profession by offering services, products, and education to practitioners, patients, and the public. In addition to private practice, Dr. Takei teaches courses in accurate and efficient diagnosis, sponsors seminars and conferences with the most sought after teachers in Oriental Medicine, has authored "The Clinical Reference Guide for Acupuncture," and distributes custom granulated herbs to practitioners from various healthcare modalities throughout the country.
Products and services include: Acupuncture, Chinese herbology, Chinese tui na, phone consultations, mail order custom herbs, granulated Chinese herbs custom mixes, "The Clinical Reference Guide for Acupuncture," lectures to the public and practitioners, and organizes various conferences each year with popular Oriental Medicine speakers. Tel: 505-306-3155; e-mail:
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine: Founded in 1986 to provide Oriental medical and body therapy education to students from around the world. With over 1,000 students at three campuses nationwide, Pacific is the largest college of its kind in the U.S. Having received awards for its curriculum and clinical training, as well as research grants from the NIH, Pacific is recognized nationally as a leader in Oriental medicine education. ACAOM accredited.
Products and services include: Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM); Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine (MSTOM); Master of Science in Acupuncture (MSAcu); Master in Traditional Oriental Medicine (MTOM); Massage Technician; Massage Therapist; Holistic Health Practitioner; Oriental Body Therapist; Tui Na certificate; Continuing Education at annual Pacific Symposium. Tel: 800-729-094; Web:
Richard Tan Seminars: Tel: 858-277-1421; Web:
Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine: Web:
Southern California University - School of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture (SOMA) : Tel: 213-427-1402; Web:
Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation: Tel: 888-TCM-6909; Web:
Tru-Self: Tel: 888-878-7353; Web:
Whispering Dragon: Tel: 928-203-4577; Web:
If your company offers products or services to the acupuncture/Oriental medicine profession and you would like to be listed in "What Are My Choices," please contact Acupuncture Today's Sales department at 1-800-324-7758 or