Consequences for HIPAA violations can often be quite harsh. If someone has breached the HIPAA privacy regulations – even without any malicious intent, civil penalties are applicable: $100 per violation for unawareness, a minimum of $1,000 for reasonable cause, a minimum of $10,000 if willful neglect is present and then rectified, and finally, a minimum of $50,000 for individuals who act with willful neglect and ignore the issue.
| Digital ExclusiveWhat Are My Choices?
In This Issue: Technique Seminars
You've decided to pursue a career in acupuncture and Oriental medicine. You've graduated from school and are now a licensed practitioner. So, what's your next step? Where can you go to find information on the latest products, continuing education programs, and other goods and services that will help your practice grow?
"What Are My Choices?" is here to answer all of those questions - and more. What Are My Choices? is an occasional column that gives you the information you need straight from the experts: the companies themselves. This issue's column focuses on technique seminars - ingredients that are essential to having a successful acupuncture and Oriental medicine practice. Getacupuncture re-certification for professionals with Dr. Keikobad's Video/DVD based distance learning seminars. Earn 1, 5 or 15 recertification CEUs at home. . All courses are reviewed by the NCCAOM & approved in MA, CA, NM, AZ, NC, AK, ID, RI and most states in the U.S. Tel: 888-878-7353; Web:
AOBTA: The American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia is a professional membership organization which promotes Asian bodywork therapy and its practitioners while honoring a diversity of disciplines. AOBTA serves its members by supporting appropriate credentialing; defining scope of practice and educational standards; and providing resources for training, professional development and networking. AOBTA advocates public policy and promotes public education on the benefits, ethics and principles of ABT. Tel: 856-782-1616; e-mail:; Web:
Auriculotherapy Certification Institute: The Auriculotherapy Certification Institute (ACI) was incorporated as an international, non-profit, educational organization in August of 1999, in Los Angeles, California. ACI is North America's only organization to offer certification specifically in auriculotherapy, auricular acupuncture, and auricular medicine. In addition, ACI recognizes the contributions to this field both by ear acupuncture practitioners in China and by doctors of auricular medicine in Europe. Tel: 323-656-2084; Web:
Bio Cranial Institute: The Bio Cranial Institute is dedicated to the advancement of the Bio Cranial System as a facilitator to the body's innate healing potential. It introduces a unique understanding of the essential role, played by the cranial component in the totality of the body's physiological processes. Through training, education and research, we provide health care practitioners with the skills and resources to administer this procedure to all who may benefit from it. Tel: 718-886-6056; Web:
Chinese Health Institute: Korean Hand Therapy is a system for awakening the body to health and wellness through your hands. By stimulating specific points on your hands, you can resolve pain and balance internal organ function. KHT also includes the entire acupuncture meridian energy system, but in miniature, on the hands. This addition to the reflex system gives hand therapy many treatment options. Tel: 877-244-4325; Web:
Cosmetic Acupuncture Seminars: The Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System protocols for face and abdomen taught in this seminar were developed through the classwork, research and clinical experience of Martha Lucas, PhD, and Denise Ellinger, LAc. Their system is complete. The basic class gives the participant all the tools you need to work with a patient from the moment he or she walks through your door until after the course of treatment is complete. Tel: 303-349-2932; e-mail:; Web:
David Singer: The Singer System is here to help you achieve your personal and practice goals, despite managed care and other influences. Think of it as the missing part of your education. You can learn proven, workable skills that you will be able to use in the expansion of your practice to gain new patients, educate your patients so that they complete their care, and manage your staff in a stress-free environment. Tel: 800-326-1797; Web:
David Twicken Seminars: David Twicken, DOM, LAc, studied, practiced and taught Asian arts for more than 25 years and is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in California. David writes and teaches feng shui, qi gong, Chinese astrology and Oriental medicine internationally. He wrote Classical Five Element Chinese Astrology Made Easy, Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy, Four Pillars and Oriental Medicine, East-West Palmistry, Spiritual Qi Gong, Treasures of Tao and I Ching Acupuncture. E-mail:; Web:
Dr. Zee Lo Total Health Care Center: Presents more than 90 hours of CEU courses which you can do at home (approved by the California board and the NCCAOM).These courses are done online or by mail order and also offer technique seminars. This is convenient for acupuncturists or massage therapists who are too busy or don't want to waste money on traveling expenses or need their CEU in a hurry. For more information, call Dr. Zee Lo. Tel: 310-623-2384; Web:
Essential Master Tung Acupuncture: Learn Master Tung's most essential points for neuromusculoskeletal and internal medicine with hands-on point location, principles and concepts that made Master Tung Taiwan's greatest acupuncturist. Classes will be held on November 12-13, 2005, from 9 am to 5:30 pm. Register by September 1, 2005 to receive discounts. Tel: 626-487-1815.
Healing Light Seminars: Healing Light Seminars' mission is to provide licensed, health care providers with training and resources for optimal clinical results with therapeutic lasers. Healing Light Seminars presents intensive, weekend-long seminars throughout the United States for licensed health care professionals. Seminars are 7 hours each day, Saturday and Sunday, and conveniently located in major metropolitan areas. Tel: 888-221-5945; e-mail:; Web:
Hood River Acupuncture: We at Hood River Acupuncture Seminars saw the need to invite other acupuncturists to experience the beauty of the magnificent Columbia River Gorge. We also wanted to provide a magical place where LAc's can fulfill CEU requirements in the presence of some of Chinese medicine's best instructors from around the world. We've found a unique setting for our seminars that will satisfy those who would like to attend educational. Tel: 866-580-2062; Web:
Illinois State Acupuncture Association: The Illinois Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine is Illinois' oldest professional organization representing licensed acupuncturists and students, along with acupuncture-related businesses. It is registered with the State of Illinois as a nonprofit corporation. The ILAAOM was formed in 1983 to be the unifying force for Illinois acupuncturists to uphold ethical and well-regulated standards of practice and to lobby for legislation to advance the profession. Tel: 312-850-4849; Web:
Institute of Esogetic Colorpuncture: Esogetic Colorpuncture is a revolutionary evolution in holistic healing and one of Europe's most popular new alternative healing disciplines. The originator, Peter Mendel, a German scientist and naturopath, who has conducted over 25 years of intensive empirical research to develop this unique system of healing. Colorpuncture involves focusing colored light on acupuncture points on the skin in order to energize powerful healing impulses in our physical and energy bodies. Tel: 303-443-1666; Web:
Integrated Medicine: Learn how to add these potent diagnostic and treatment tools to your contemporary biomedical or medical acupuncture practice by attending one or both of our popular seminars on auricular therapy and auricular medicine. Tel: 972-489-4286; Web:
International Academy of Medical Acupuncture: The International Academy of Medical Acupuncture, Inc. (IAMA) is an Institute of higher learning dedicated to teaching physicians of all disciplines both the ancient as well as contemporary principles of Acupuncture. The International Academy of Medical Acupuncture Inc. has taught more than 20,000 medical, chiropractic, naturopathic, osteopathic and podiatric physicians the principles of acupuncture since 1973. Tel: 800-327-1113; Web:
Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine: With a combined experience of over 100 years, our speakers enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge and experience. With growing demands from patients wanting care from both allopathic and alternative medicine, this is the key to setting your practice apart from the rest and taking it to a whole new level. Sign up today and see for yourself how masters guide you more rapidly to a successful practice. Tel: 866-905-6887; Web:
Macupuncture: Dr. David MacIvor is nationally board certified with the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and a licensed Florida state practitioner. Dr. MacIvor is proficient in both traditional Chinese medicine as well as meridian style acupuncture. He is able to integrate these aspects well with western medicine. He has developed his own unique technique of acupuncture using ancient Oriental medicine techniques with a modern western perspective called Macupuncture. Tel: 407-993-4406; e-mail:; Web:
Medical Arts Seminars: Need continuing education units to maintain your license? Then get your continuing education units online, by mail or live seminar from the geniuses at Medical Arts Seminar. We offer CEU's for chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists and nurses. We offer a full variety of state approved continuing education units. Tel: 877-247-4871; Web:
NAET Seminars: In this seminar/workshop, Dr. Nambudripad will train licensed medical practitioners to locate, evaluate, and eliminate food and environmental allergies using energy balancing techniques to the treated items without going through long term fasting, elimination diets, or lifelong avoidance of allergens. This technique uses strictly oriental medical principles: acupuncture/acupressure theory, energy balancing, and good nutrition. Tel: 888-890-0670; Web:
New England School of Acupuncture: The New England School of Acupuncture, the oldest school of acupuncture and oriental medicine in the United States, was founded in 1975 by the late master acupuncturist James Tin Yau S. Dr. So studied and practiced for decades in China, Hong Kong and the Philippines before coming to this country. He is considered by many to be the father of Oriental medical education in the United States. Tel: 617-926-1788; Web:
NMT Seminars: We have a fantastic seminar prepared which, I assure you, will far exceed your most optimistic expectations. The doctors who have been treated with NMT have gone away with their jaws dropping. It is amazing, it is powerful, and now it is yours! I look forward to seeing all of you at one of our upcoming seminars for the educational experience of your lifetime. Tel: 541-720-1383; Web:
Oriental Medical Arts: Tel: 505-306-3155.
Richard Tan Seminars: Dr. Richard Tan, OMD, LAc, has acquired a reputation for excellence in the field of Chinese medicine from both the thousands of patients who have been treated by him or his methods, and by many of his colleagues in the field of Chinese medicine. He has published two books on advanced acupuncture treatment methods that widely acclaimed by acupuncture practitioners across the country. Tel: 858-277-1070; Web:
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Building Bridges of Integration: True Healing - True Health is a landmark conference for Eastern and Western health care professionals interested in exploring traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and its growing role in complementary health care. Tel: 888-TCM-6909; e-mail:; Web:
If your company offers products or services to the acupuncture/Oriental medicine profession and you would like to be listed in "What Are My Choices?," contact our marketing department via e-mail at