Consequences for HIPAA violations can often be quite harsh. If someone has breached the HIPAA privacy regulations – even without any malicious intent, civil penalties are applicable: $100 per violation for unawareness, a minimum of $1,000 for reasonable cause, a minimum of $10,000 if willful neglect is present and then rectified, and finally, a minimum of $50,000 for individuals who act with willful neglect and ignore the issue.
| Digital ExclusiveColor Light Acupuncture for a Patient With Hepatitis C Diagnosis: A Single Case Review
Can electroacupuncture help heal infectious disease? Here is a remarkable case history that suggests it may be possible with a common and very challenging disease.
I recently treated a 48-year-old woman who came to me with complaints of unexplained skin boils arising in her inguinal region, facial blemishes, nausea, and fatigue in the evenings. Diagnosis revealed weakness in her liver and pericardium, and abnormal spin patterns in her heart and solar plexus PNE (chakra) centers. I administered treatment using non-needle, polarized microcurrent treatment with color light, using the extraordinary vessel cross-syndrome treatment devised by Manaka. The abdominal presentation resembled the diagram below. Microcurrent electroacupuncture treatment points were PC 6(-) to Liv 3(+) on the right side and TW 5(-) to GB 41(+) on the left side.1 Magenta color light was selected to apply with the microcurrent electroacupuncture to help balance her emotional body.2 This color choice was confirmed with O-ring muscle testing. She also received mu-shu treatment for her liver and kidneys.2

A few days after the treatment, she reported that her face was clearing up, she felt much better, and that she had increased energy, which allowed her to stay up later in the evening without fatigue.
About a week later, she was diagnosed by her MD with hepatitis C. The etiology was unclear; it may have been contracted through intimate contact. When she came back to see me, she was experiencing heaviness and pain in the liver (hypochondriac) region and intermittent nausea.
Upon evaluation, the mu point for the liver still showed strong weakness upon O-ring testing. Deep liver pulse was deficient. PNE (chakra) testing showed closed or imbalanced sacral, solar plexus and heart centers.
The treatment pattern of Liver-Small Intestine polar meridian pairs was selected for treatment using acupoints Liv 2(+) to Liv 8(-) and SI 3(-) to SI 8(+), both on the right side of the body.3 Upon testing, she showed a need for indigo color light. I inserted needles in the above points and then used the Acutron Mentor with polarized probe #2 preset and indigo light to treat the points. I also treated the liver and SI using polarized microcurrent and color light mu-shu treatment, as well as mu-shu treatment of the imbalanced PNE centers. (Note: Color light only was used to treat the heart center; no electrical stimulation was used there.) After the first step of treatment, she was retested, and measured positive for orange light (a complementary color to indigo). I applied mu-shu technique again with that color.
During part of this process, I led the patient in speaking affirmations that I intuitively felt related to her emotional issues underlying the condition. She enjoyed saying them and became deeply relaxed.
After the treatment session, the objective findings dramatically improved, with a strong O-ring test on the Liver mu point. The spin patterns of the PNE centers, including her heart center, opened and balanced. The patient reported that all of the pain in her liver region and the nausea had disappeared. It was clear that her body had needed this infusion of specific color wavelengths through these acupoints.
She e-mailed me three days after the second treatment to report that the nausea had not come back, and that the pain in her liver could still be felt, but had diminished. Her general outlook felt more positive, and she was sleeping better.
I asked the patient to contact me a week later with a report of her condition. Here is what she wrote to me:
"Hi Darren - my doctor just called and said that the (new viral load) blood test showed no reproducing of the virus. He said it was like my body picked up the virus and then kicked it out! He still wants me to go for the ultrasound next Tuesday and then see the hematologist. I still want to see you a couple of more times please for sessions. Thank you for holding the space and for the amazing healings!"
It remains to be seen what her next tests will show, and her long-term outcome. Her response to these two treatments shows a positive benefit to color light treatment of this disease - confirmed with both energetic and medical diagnoses.
Certainly more clinical trials are needed to determine the effects of microcurrent and color light electro-acupuncture treatments for hepatitis C over time, and whether this form of treatment can save many other patients from the harsh effects of chemotherapeutic drug treatments.
By using and adding PNE evaluation and treatment to her acupuncture treatments, we were able to understand some of the emotional etiologies of her liver disorder. I believe that addressing this aspect of treatment is vital for the majority of patients with liver disease.
The majority of Americans have livers adversely affected by stress, toxins or both. We know that not everyone exposed to pathogens such as the hepatitis C virus develops the disease. It is clear that appropriate acupuncture and color light therapy, with acknowledgement and release of painful emotions, can strengthen the liver or other organs and make the whole person more resistant to the progression of disease.
- For details on Manaka's treatment methods, see Chasing the Dragon's Tail by Manaka and Birch, or Microcurrent Electro-Acupuncture by this author.
- Magenta has a balancing effect on the emotional body because it is a combination of red, the most yang color, and violet, the most yin color. This apparently helps balance extremes of emotional-energetic experience.
- For details on mu-shu treatment, as well as other articles about microcurrent and color light electroacupuncture, please visit my Acupuncture Today columnist page online at
- Information on polar meridian/pairs meridian balancing can be found in the books listed in reference #1.