AAOM Herbal Medicine Committee Update

Editorial Staff  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE

White House Commission on Chinese Herbal Medicine Policy Proposed: For the future of our profession, AAOM is proposing the development of a White House Commission on Chinese Herbal Medicine Policy. From the standpoint of credibility, this commission will be narrowly focused to those who have U.S. Department of Education recognized education and nationally recognized certification presently in effect.

Purpose of Commission: This commission will recommend policy for legislative proposals that will provide the FDA with Oriental medicine professionals' input on standards for availability and accountability for Chinese herbal medicine's pharmacopoeia. Sound policy proposals will provide the legislative branch with the means to deal with the conundrum of having well-trained and vetted professionals and quality standards for control of substances available, but no available legal status for the interaction of these two for the benefit of the public.

Proposed Timeline for Implementation of Commission: The AAOM is hopeful to have a process for the above commission formulated in the next few months, and to have a working commission by fall. We are also supportive of other wider platforms and processes and for other regulatory remedies for herbal availability for the public, and will participate to our fullest to bring them to fruition.

Benefit: The AAOM believes that the formation of this commission not only provides the profession a vehicle for addressing potential impacts to Chinese herbal medicine pharmacopoeia before they arise, but that it will equally serve as a point of access for others to gain entrance to materials considered by regulatory agencies as innocuous and/or beneficial in enhancing public health and safety.

Action Request: If you have any connections to legislators or governmental personnel, especially in the President's office or leadership of the Congress, please contact the AAOM Legislative Committee (execdir@aaom.org) now so we can begin to organize immediately. Comparative to the AMA, we are lacking in resources, but we do have significant credibility and a record of helping those who have found no help elsewhere. We need to let people know so our profession can flourish and claim its place in the mainstream of our society.

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