Acupuncture and Massage College Shows Support for Earth Day.

Editorial Staff  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE

The first Earth Day was held in April 1970 as a way of raising awareness about the environment and its importance in everyday life. The Acupuncture and Massage College (AMC) is leading the charge in this year's Earth Day festivities by participating in "Clean Da' Beaches," a cleanup and fundraising event in Miami, Florida.

"There is only one Mother Earth. If we do not take part in helping to preserve her environment, then we have no one to blame for her degradation but ourselves," remarked Richard Browne, the college's president and CEO. "It is for this reason we at Acupuncture and Massage College are committed to Clean Da' Beaches."

Clean Da' Beaches was organized as a way of promoting environmental awareness in the greater Miami community, and to help sustain the natural beauty of Miami Beach. As an incentive to muster support for the effort, the AMC will offer free, full-body therapeutic massages to all registered beach cleanup volunteers. Massages will be performed at the college's student clinic, with all proceeds going to the Pollution Solution Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ed

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