New Acupuncture Bill Pre-Filed in Kentucky

Editorial Staff  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE

Acupuncture Today has received the following e-mail from Mimi Tagher, LAc, regarding a new acupuncture licensing bill being introduced in Kentucky. Ms. Tagher previously submitted a letter to Acupuncture Today titled "An Open Letter on the State of Acupuncture in Kentucky" (

Ms. Tagher's most recent letter is as follows:

I just wanted to let you know that our bill has been pre-filed and can be found on the Internet at Make sure to click the "BR87" link.

Denver Butler is the sponsor of the bill. He is the head of the Occupations and Licensing Committee. We also now have a co-sponsor for our bill. We are almost certain the bill will pass through the committee and the House. I think we still need help in the Senate, but we are working on that. The committee should meet in September, and I am hoping I can get official letters of support from all of the national organizations and a few key individuals to testify on our behalf. I have very high hopes of getting the bill passed in the next session.

Thanks to all of you for your help and support. I will be in touch.

Mimi Tagher, LAc
Walton, Kentucky
Tel: 859-466-4900

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