Another approach to regulate the Yang Ming / Tai Yin circuit is to use an extraordinary vessel (EOV) approach. EOV treatments can be essential in a long-haul post-viral state, as they can help restore integrity to the body’s energetic system on the deepest level. Various combinations can be helpful; however, combining Chong Mai with Ren Mai is a good place to start, as it can help to regulate the gut (Chong Mai) and the lungs (Ren Mai).
| Digital ExclusiveThe Perfect Formula For Your Practice
What is the perfect formula? E=MC2? 1+1=2? The search goes on and on.
I really don't know if there is a "perfect" formula for anything. I have for years looked for the perfect formula for a specific situation. The formula that I am referring to is the one that makes some doctors successful while others struggle. Do you have the answer? Do you know the perfect formula?
We can start with two doctors who open an office. They both get equipment and keep their finances at a reasonable rate. They advertise and seem like they both go out there to promote their practices. One will succeed and the other, well let's just say that the other just doesn't quite make it. Why? What went wrong with our second doctor? Why did the one doctor become successful and the other just flounder? Why? Was it location?
I have spent a lot of time examining that part of the formula and have come to the realization that if location was the most important element, then doctors would have their offices in the middle of the expressways so that they get the best exposure. I have seen very successful offices that were stuck back in a medical complex and it was difficult to find them, but the patients did.
So if location is not the answer, what is?
Is the most important thing a sign that can be seen for miles in every direction? Will a sign really make people stop their cars and come in? Again some of the most successful offices that I have seen have had signs that were no larger than you would see on any professional's office. That seems to blow that theory away! What is it then?
Maybe it is having the best location in the Yellow Pages with the largest ad with the most colors and a picture of the doctor. Is it? That may help but based on some of the ads that I have seen, they may scare more people away than they attract! Advertising is important but it isn't the only thing.
Let's see now. We have talked about location, signage and Yellow Page advertising. All-important and part of any perfect formula, but not the final ingredient that makes it all work. I have seen and I am sure you have to, doctors who have all of the above and still they struggle. What else does it take to create this perfect formula?
There is one ingredient that needs to be in this to make it all click.
It's an ingredient that is hard to quantify, but without it, nothing works. It is the catalyst that puts it all in motion. What is the name of this magic ingredient? The name is "YOU", but not just you. That may sound like a contradiction and in some ways it is. The best way to explain this is in one sentence. "Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do."
That basically says it all. Best location. Biggest sign. Biggest and best Yellow Page ad. That is all great but without the willingness to do whatever it takes to be successful, you have a formula without the catalyst to make it all work. Some have a poor location, poor signage, and no Yellow Page ad, but they do have the drive to make it happen. What happens with that scenario? I think you already know.
I have a client of mine who is located in a small town that already has quite a few successful doctors in it who have been there for years. In just a very short period of time, he has a very successful office and it is growing every day. Whenever we chat he always wants to thank me for all of my help. I always remind him that it is not me that makes it all work. It is him. He is willing to do whatever it takes, and most important, he does.
So, you see there is no magic formula or special training that you need to become successful.
I don't care what the ads say in the various journals, the practice management people can help in a lot of ways and give you some insights and suggestions, but when all is said and done, it boils down to just one thing: YOU.
Never forget that or lose sight of that. Most of all remember to become successful you need to do the things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do.
I once wrote in an article that "you don't get paid for what you do; you get paid for what you get done." Need I say more?