Another approach to regulate the Yang Ming / Tai Yin circuit is to use an extraordinary vessel (EOV) approach. EOV treatments can be essential in a long-haul post-viral state, as they can help restore integrity to the body’s energetic system on the deepest level. Various combinations can be helpful; however, combining Chong Mai with Ren Mai is a good place to start, as it can help to regulate the gut (Chong Mai) and the lungs (Ren Mai).
| Digital ExclusivePNE Psycho-Emotional Therapy: An Interesting Case History
In our acupuncture or other medical training we learn to carefully observe a patient's signs and symptoms, use hands-on examination skills and then attempt to understand the correct diagnosis for the complaints he/she is coming to us for help with. In an ideal world we would gather all the data, understand the pattern, make a correct diagnosis, select appropriate treatment, deliver the treatment and voila – the patient gets better. Fortunately this, or something close to it, often happens. What do you do when it does not work out so conveniently? Many of us continue to seek new methods to get further into the inner workings of our patients to give us a better chance of "cracking the code" of their blockages and issues.
In this article I will present a very interesting case I encountered recently that well illustrates the cracking of the code for a patient with severe, non-responsive pain. First I will reproduce some excerpts from a previous article in Acupuncture Today (Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2004 ) that offers some background on what PNE Therapy is. If you find this of interest I suggest that you review this complete article in the columnists archives under my name.
In my rather eclectic path of healing, I have investigated and practiced many aspects of Chinese and Indian traditional medicines. I have long been motivated to find effective therapies to successfully help people seemingly "stuck" into repeating patterns of pain and disease, even after years of searching through various medical and healing systems. I have found that a synthesis of certain aspects of Ayurvedic chakra color therapy with Chinese acupuncture meridian treatment has yielded very good results for many of my patients.
Because the use of Sanskrit and Chinese terminology may create walls to understanding for some people, I have sought terminology for this mind-body approach that "goes down easier" for Western patients and physicians. I have updated the ancient term "chakras" to psycho-neuro-endocrine regulatory centers, or "PNE centers" for short. Although long, this name offers a useful means to understand how these energy centers regulate health and well-being on a Western scientific basis.
Diagnosing and treating through these centers is the most effective and direct way I have found to access the internal "control panel" for the underlying causation of physical and emotional suffering.
Each PNE center is associated with an aspect of consciousness, an endocrine gland, a body system and color. Here is an abbreviated table of these connections:
PNE Center | Aspect of Consciousness | Endocrine Gland | Body System | Native Color |
1 - Base | Stability, groundedness, survival instinct | Gonads | Reproductive | Red |
2 - Lower Abdomen/Hara | Creativity, deep emotions, sexuality, inner child | Leydig cells, Peyer's patches | Genito-Urinary | Orange |
3 - Solar Plexus | Personal will, sense of self, aggression | Adrenals, pancreatic islets of Langerhans | Digestive | Yellow |
4 - Heart | Compassion, integration | Thymus | Circulatory | Green/Gold |
5 - Throat | Expression, manifestation | Thyroid/Parathyroid | Respiratory | Deep Blue |
6 - Brow | Insight | Pituitary | Autonomic N.S | Indigo |
7 - Crown | Higher Consciousness | Pineal | Central N.S. control | Violet, White |
Each PNE center is, in effect, a transformer or switching station that steps down the very high frequency of pure spiritual white and golden light energy. This allows Universal energy to be utilized in a healthy way by our physical organs and tissues. If Universal energy were not stepped down to lower frequencies in this way, our physical bodies would literally burn out, in the same way that a hair dryer would fry if plugged into a 220 volt outlet.
This stepping down of energy creates a series of wavelengths of light in the body. Each wavelength is perceived as a color by our inner and outer senses. The "native color" of each PNE center is what is produced by the stepped-down wavelength at that level. It is important to point out that the native color listed for each center on this chart is not necessarily the best one to treat it with. In many cases the patient will already have too much of the native color and may need a complementary or balancing color to correct the disorder.
PNE Center Evaluation
Each PNE center is a swirling vortex of electro-magnetic energy. The original Sanskrit word chakra literally means "wheel" to describe what they look like. These centers have a characteristic spin pattern, just like a tornado or whirlpool. There are various methods of reading the spin pattern of a PNE center, including dowsing with a pendulum, hand scanning, muscle testing (kinesiology) and aura photography.
Once the practitioner has understood and memorized the consciousness and glandular associations of each center, observing the spin patterns provides valuable insights into the underlying causation of pain and disease. With a bit of intuitive synthesis, a whole story emerges that may help make sense of the varied complaints of the patient.
PNE Therapy
Feeding the color hunger of a client with therapeutic colored light often acts to "jump-start" his own ability to shift his consciousness for the better. Healing sound and frequencies of microcurrents can act in the same way, although light seems to be the most powerful and direct therapy for this purpose.
PNE therapy consists of the application of color light, sometimes with simultaneous microcurrent and/or healing sound, to help open and balance one or more PNE centers. Appropriate colors can be selected through the same methods used to evaluate the centers – dowsing, muscle testing, pulse response (VAS), and others. After applying the energy to the centers, they are re-tested to see what degree of change in the spin has happened (if any).
The Case (July 2011)
The patient is a man, age 62 who is a highly skilled chiropractor. I will call him Ben. His body type was stocky and very muscular, having been a body builder for much of his life. He told me he was having "agonizing" hammering pain in his hips and groin area that had been chronic for years, but had become acute in the recent two weeks. He had tried to give himself many kinds of therapies without any alleviation of the intense pain. Although Ben looked healthy and vital he stated that he feels like an "old man."
I started the session by asking him to create an intentional statement. Working together we came up with "It is my intention to fully understand the lesson this pain has to teach me, so that I can move on from it and help many other people." Creating such a statement is an essential aspect of PNE therapy, as it starts to engage the tremendous power of the subconscious mind.
I evaluated his PNE centers (chakras) using a combination of hand scanning and dowsing with a pendulum. I had previously checked him for meridian imbalances and had shown some deficiency in the kidneys. His Sacral center showed a pattern indicating conflict, confusion or the process of transformation. His Solar Plexus center showed a diagonal up to left pattern, which often indicates discomfort with a significant male person or a patient's inner male polarity. Upon questioning, Ben told me that he had tried very hard growing up to make his father proud of him to gain his love, and did not feel that he got it very much. His Heart center also showed a cloverleaf pattern. Root, Throat and Brow centers showed normal spins.
I used therapy localization kinesiology to determine the "color hunger" of each of the imbalanced centers. The Sacral center tested positive for the color Scarlet, and the Solar Plexus and Heart centers both showed a hunger for Turquoise light. The goal for using these colors is to break up the stagnation in these PNE centers and offer nurturing balance to open the way for deeper healing of his chronic pain.
While Ben was sitting up, I applied polarized microcurrent and light probes using the Acutron system to treat his Sacral and Solar centers with the indicated colors, and the Heart with color light only. I used the + probe on front of the centers and the – probe on rear. While the Microlight therapy was being applied I led Ben in toning the Sanskrit seed sounds for each of them.
When the application was complete (about 2 - 3 minutes per center) I asked him to lie down and rest while I applied foot reflexology. I asked him what he experienced during this session. He got very emotional and told me how old memories from his military service in Vietnam unexpectedly came up. He started to weep, which he said he could not remember doing in his adult life. We did some more dialogue work to help him release this trauma. After a few minutes I asked Ben what he was now feeling and he said "gratitude."
I then re-tested the PNE centers and now found powerful open spins on the ones that had been previously imbalanced. My intuitive sense was that he has shifted from a focus in the "Warrior" archetype into the "Spiritual Warrior-Healer." Ben said he felt a great deal of relief.
I checked with him the next day and he stated that 30 – 40 percent of the physical pain was gone. This degree of pain relief continued until my next phone follow-up about a week later. He is very inspired to continue to unwind these deeper layers of causation.
I frequently combine PNE therapy with extraordinary vessel acupuncture, auricular therapy and use of essential oils with very positive results. Most of my ongoing patients have stage 4 cancer, and this approach has been very supportive and clarifying for them. Interestingly enough most of the emotional patterns my cancer patients have are the same ones they had before their diagnosis. The spin patterns of the PNE centers tell volumes about their deeper beliefs and attitudes about their lives, their will to live and the causative factors underlying their disease.
PNE therapy is a very valuable tool for any practitioner wishing to evaluate and help clear this deeper causative level for their patients or themselves.