Consequences for HIPAA violations can often be quite harsh. If someone has breached the HIPAA privacy regulations – even without any malicious intent, civil penalties are applicable: $100 per violation for unawareness, a minimum of $1,000 for reasonable cause, a minimum of $10,000 if willful neglect is present and then rectified, and finally, a minimum of $50,000 for individuals who act with willful neglect and ignore the issue.
| Digital ExclusiveThoughts to Live By
When speaking to your patients about their health make sure to ponder the following points and have them assess if they are making themselves even more sick by the thoughts they have about life. Are these some of the traits and thoughts that your patients might have?
- Think constantly about all the awful things that could happen to you. Dwell upon negative, fearful images.
- Be depressed, self pitying, envious and angry. Blame everyone and everything for your illness, misery, and lack in your life.
- Read articles, books, newspapers and watch TV news programs and listen to people who reinforce the viewpoint that there is NO HOPE. Feel that you are powerless to influence your future.
- Cut yourself off from other people. Be a recluse.
- Dwell on your age and realize you're getting older every day.
- Go see numerous different doctors. Run from one to another, spend half your time in waiting rooms, receive lots of conflicting opinions, treatments and medications.
- Stop working on any projects and all activities that bring you a sense of purpose and fun.
- Complain constantly about your health and associate exclusively with other people who are unhappy and embittered. Reinforce each others feelings of hopelessness.
- Don't take care of yourself. What's the use?
- Think how awful life is and how you might as well be dead. But also make sure that you are absolutely terrified of death, just to increase the pain and terror you feel.
If, so here is how to stay well or get better if you or your patient is sick:
- Do things that bring you a sense of fulfillment, joy and purpose, things that validate your self-worth. See you life as being your own creation and strive to make it a positive and expansive one.
- Pay close and loving attention to yourself, tuning in to your needs on all levels. Take care of yourself, nourishing, supporting and encouraging yourself.
- Release all negative emotions, especially resentment, envy fear, sadness and anger. Express your feelings appropriately and authentically, don't stuff or hold onto them. Forgive yourself daily for anything you feel negative about.
- Hold positive images and goals in your mind. pictures of what you truly want in your life. When fearful images arise, refocus on positive images that evoke feelings of peace and joy.
- Love yourself unconditionally and do your best to love everyone else. Make this love the purpose and primary expression in your life. Create fun, loving, honest relationships allowing for the expression and fulfillment of your needs for security. Try to heal any wounds in past relationships as with parents, old friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors etc.
- Make a positive contribution to your communit y through some form of work or volunteer service that you value and enjoy.
- Make a commitment to your health and well being and develop a strong belief in the possibility of total health. Develop a healing program drawing on the advice and wisdom of respected professionals, and sound diet, exercise and positive thoughts.
- Accept yourself and everything in your life as an opportunity for growth and learnking. Be grateful for the abundance and blessings in your life. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself, learn what you can from the experience and then move on without regrets.
- Keep a light hearted sense of humor. Laugh at the appropriate time to laugh. Laugh freely and unrestricted with joy and a smile. Look forward to each and every birthday and to the future. Even though you may be another year older, youthfulness is a feeling not an age.
- Develop a sense of kinship with a loving, protective, benevolent Universal Intelligence. This intelligence is referred to by a variety of names by various religions and areas of the world (God, Tao, etc). Talk to this higher Intelligence and tug on it for assistance and support in times of need.
Read this message at least once a year, now when you receive it and on your yearly birthday. Your life will change for the best. There will be plenty of opportunity to share this wisdom with friends, relatives, associates and perhaps people you do not even really know. We can all benefit from these words. Do not be afraid to send an anonymous envelope with this information enclosed. Those that are ready for this message will use it for their good.