Another approach to regulate the Yang Ming / Tai Yin circuit is to use an extraordinary vessel (EOV) approach. EOV treatments can be essential in a long-haul post-viral state, as they can help restore integrity to the body’s energetic system on the deepest level. Various combinations can be helpful; however, combining Chong Mai with Ren Mai is a good place to start, as it can help to regulate the gut (Chong Mai) and the lungs (Ren Mai).
| Digital ExclusiveGet Ready For AOM Day
This year, AOM Day 2014 falls on Friday, (October 24th). This is a great opportunity to make your AOM Day celebration or event even bigger by extending it throughout the weekend!
Those of you, who last year took advantage of the opportunity to teach the general public about the benefits of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM), understand just how far-reaching the effects of this type of education can be. Last year, on AOM Day, and during the surrounding weeks, people across the globe, from over 12 countries and over 1,300 news agencies learned about and experienced this ancient medicine. As AOM practitioners, you have a unique opportunity to draw new patients through this worldwide event and introduce them to the healing power they can access with relative ease.
This year your events can easily expand past Friday into a full weekend or you can structure the celebration to include a whole week of demonstrations, lectures, "herbal happy hours," discounted or free treatments, acupuncture, Chinese herbology, bodywork therapy and tai qi/qigong education etc. The AOM Day website, sponsored by the NCCAOM, is now ready for your event postings so start planning today how to bring AOM awareness to your town and local area. The re-designed AOM Day website has some new features.
Please share the AOM Day website information with your patients who will now have access to post personal stories or testimonials, of their success with acupuncture and Oriental Medicine treatments. Then, direct them to the patient testimonials page. This is a unique opportunity to promote both the AOM profession as a whole and your individual practice. In addition, visitors to the site will be able to search by state to find AOM Day celebrations and activities in their area. Thank you for your renewed efforts, your continued commitment to health and your outstanding compassion for those in need.
In addition to the redesigned website, to augment and enhance the celebration of AOM Day 2014, the NCCAOM sponsored a video contest Because it Works! (View all submitted videos from the link found on the AOM Day website The contest commenced on August 1, 2014 and closed for submissions and voting on October 1st.
NCCAOM Certified Diplomates were invited via the NCCAOM E-News You Can Use, summer edition, to enter for a chance to win a new iPad, free recertification, and more. Five semi-finalists were chosen by online popular vote. From the top five semi-finalists, the top three finalists will be chosen by a panel of judges. The three finalists, once announced, will receive prizes and the satisfaction of having their success story showcased on the NCCAOM website, the AOM Day website and the newly launched NCCAOM YouTube channel (to be launched later this year). Watch for the winners to be announced on October 24 (AOM Day). Winning the Because it Works! video contest not only lends prestige to the chosen practitioners, but also benefits the entire AOM profession.
Preparation for AOM Day 2014 is in full swing. Don't miss your opportunities to introduce someone to the world of AOM! There is still time to submit your events for AOM Day; please go to the AOM Day website,