Another approach to regulate the Yang Ming / Tai Yin circuit is to use an extraordinary vessel (EOV) approach. EOV treatments can be essential in a long-haul post-viral state, as they can help restore integrity to the body’s energetic system on the deepest level. Various combinations can be helpful; however, combining Chong Mai with Ren Mai is a good place to start, as it can help to regulate the gut (Chong Mai) and the lungs (Ren Mai).
| Digital ExclusiveExtending Healing Energy to Others: Understanding Quantum Fields for Healing
Extending the Quantum Field (QF) is the practice of using your own alignment with the universal field of consciousness energy to support or help heal someone else. While this description may sound unfamiliar or "out there" to many readers I believe this is one of the original bases of Chinese medicine.
What is the Quantum Field?
Let's start with a very simplified explanation of Quantum fields according to the science of Quantum Field Theory. Quantum fields include infinite sets of all kinds of energy fields interacting with each other, filling all universes. Current science identifies at least 37 categories of sub-atomic particles, each with a field named after it. These include electrons, photons, quarks, bosons, gluons and more. When any of these fields are in equilibrium, there is zero vibrational energy, except for very slight ground fluctuations. This is in essence the Zero Point state of nothingness. This is a modern way to refer to the "Tao" written about in the Tao Te Ching.
Quantum fields hold infinite, unmanifest possibilities. Quantum fields tend to get excited through various field interactions. When this happens the field vibrates and creates particles which represent one of the possibilities of the field. This is called collapse of the QF. When a part of a QF collapses that part transforms from un-manifest with unlimited possibilities into manifest in a more defined, limited form. This is the process of Creation and manifestation.

Everything that makes us up, and that we can perceive or measure, arises from collapse of QF. Therefore, some Quantum physicists would say that Quantum fields are the source of everything, and hold limitless possibilities.
Limitless Quantum Field
What makes a limitless QF collapse into something tangible? This is a question that physicists have speculated and argued about for decades. No one really knows for sure, although plenty of theories exist. One common theory is that one QF interacting with another can create vibrations. Here is a simple linear way to understand it: QF > collides with other QF > vibration created > particles precipitate within the field > something tangible arises (like an electron, the Earth, our big toe or a watermelon). Growing numbers of scientists believe that it is consciousness that triggers the collapse of the QF. This is in line with religion and spirituality, which in various ways state that our thoughts, or the mind of God, create our world and our reality. This is my belief, and is a key basis of Quantum Healing.
The Significance of Quantum Fields for Healing
When we have a direct experience of the QF it reminds us of our true nature of One-ness and wholeness. When this experience of the QF is combined with skillful vibrational therapies and client communication it can and often does create profound and rapid healing transformations.
As I have written in other places the human race now exists in a fallen state. What this means is that our minds, which govern our experience of reality, are usually vibrating at an extremely low rate compared to the golden light of our true, Divine Self. For the most part we have given away our freedom, power and Sovereignty. By doing that we have largely lost touch with our experience of One-ness and connectedness to our all-loving, all-abundant Source. Therefore, we feel "exiled" into a box-like experience limited to our physical three-dimensional world. This is a highly stressful, disconnected experience, and has become our new normal!
The True Nature of One-ness
Our true nature is One-ness and therefore feeling stuck in the cramp of duality as our reality is a torment. I call this experience "discombobulation." Because billions of people have discombobulated minds vibrating at low levels we have collectively out-pictured a world with crazy amounts of conflict, death, scarcity, war, pollution, ignorance and child abuse.
On an individual level our discombobulation can manifest as sickness, fatigue, chronic pain, depression, financial struggle, broken relationships, addictions or cancer. All of this is based, at least in part, in believing in a dualistic reality.
Okay, now to get to the good part, in fact the great part! Although Quantum fields are subtle our bodies and nervous systems can directly experience them. Even my patients who are not familiar with spirituality and subtle energy usually have a tangible experience of the QF during their first session – even from thousands of miles away!
My clients having this experience usually report feeling relaxed, tingly and drawn into the now moment. While some may describe this as an "altered state" it should more accurately be called an "un-altered state." It is their normal experience that is really altered! This conscious experience of the QF immediately starts bringing people back into coherence and entrainment with their undivided, true self. This is the true magic of Quantum Healing.
Once a person starts to entrain to the QF it is much easier for her to tap into her own inner healing power. Whatever treatments you apply are likely to work better because your client's energy will tend to be more open and receptive. I will share the way I combine Quantum Healing with acupuncture, microcurrent and coaching in another article here.
Extending the Quantum Field
This term "extending the Quantum Field" is not literally accurate because your clients are already completely surrounded and filled with the QF. Everything in the Universe is. So you can't really share something with them that they already have! But in an experiential sense you can extend the QF by helping them directly experience and benefit from it, in a way they probably were not already doing. It's like sharing love or enthusiasm with someone else – it tends to be infectious. There are two simple steps for extending the Quantum Field:
Step One: Consciously tune into your own bodily-felt experience of the QF. Activities that promote this include:
- Master hook-up: lightly touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, slightly behind your two front teeth and feeling the subtle electrical sensation there with the tip of your tongue.
- While doing the Master hook-up, deeply breathe into the center of your body, in the heart and solar plexus areas.
- Feel the love of your Sacred Heart. When appropriate, put the palm of one of your hands over that area.
- Putting your attention into your inner body, intending to feel the buzz of life-force in it.
- Invoking the presence of the QF in your experience.
- Relaxing and not trying!
- Receiving Light Body activations and practicing Ascension meditations will gradually increase your immediate access to the direct experience of the QF.
Step Two: Once you are experiencing the QF, intend to extend it to your client. You are not extending your own personal energy, rather you are seeing him surrounded and permeated by the QF. It is a lot like sharing a blessing with another person. Visualizing golden light, or a geometric light pattern around him is helpful. And remember, it's all about love!
After extending the QF, I often ask my client "what are you experiencing now?" Most of the time clients report that they feel the sensations described above. The reason for Step One and Step Two is similar to the broadcast announcements on airplanes – "In the event of an emergency fasten your own air mask before helping the person next to you." You must first be in your own entrainment to the QF before you can extend it to another. What you have heard or read here is a description and road map. The real way to learn to extend the QF is to practice as much as you can, asking for feedback to reinforce your confidence.