Think of your most difficult patient – the one you try to motivate and work so hard with to develop a realistic treatment plan with achievable and measurable goals. Week after week, you see this patient struggle, sinking deeper into hopelessness as their health and quality of life continue to worsen. What if there was something else you could do that could change their outlook and their life? The solution is as simple as an automated program.
| Digital ExclusiveRejuvenation and Acupuncture: How to Achieve Success From the Inside Out
Let's talk about an industry that many of us are involved with – the market for esthetic, cosmetic and rejuvenative treatments. From the perspective of consciousness, this entire industry can really use a facelift! One reason it matters: The global market for cosmetic and esthetic products and treatments is a massive economy. It reached 532 billion dollars in 2017 and is expected to keep growing.
Why We Should All Tap Into The Power of Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation is defined as "the action or process of making someone or something look or feel better, younger or more vital." At a time when there seems to be major epidemics of people complaining about overloads of stress and anxiety, rejuvenation is certainly a valuable commodity.
Aging happens when our cells and their DNA degenerate at a faster rate than new, healthy cells are being created. Aging factors that have been identified by science are oxidative stress (free radicals), shortening of telomeres on the ends of DNA strands, clumping and mutuation of proteins, glycation and deterioration of DNA. All of these aging factors are associated with the state of our DNA. (Later in this article, you will learn how you can consciously work with DNA to promote rejuvenation.)
I participated in the rejuvenation industry by organizing 15 years of seminars at which a facial rejuvenation system was often taught hands-on. This system uses a combination of color light therapy and frequency-specific microcurrent, passed through probe electrodes into a series of acupoints and muscle points on the face. The effects include lifting and toning of the tissues of the face, reducing the appearance of small wrinkles and helping restore more youthful coloration to the face.
This system has been very popular because clients have reported additional benefits in addition to the improved appearance of their faces; deep relaxation and stress relief, improved fluid circulation and other whole-body health benefits in some cases.
The 20-60-20 Phenomenon
After years of running these seminars, we had several hundred acupuncturists and estheticians offering this rejuvenation system in their practices. Based on frequent feedback from these practitioners, I started noticing a very interesting statistic that I'll call the 20-60-20 phenomenon. It seemed that about 20 percent of practitioners using this rejuvenation system were reporting consistently positive client responses and satisfaction. These practitioners told me that almost all their clients loved their results, were having lasting results and many were referring their friends and family.
Another 60 percent of practitioners reported mostly positive client responses and satisfaction. This group reported that at least 80 percent of their clients were happy with the results and lots of them were coming back for ongoing services. This group was having success offering the system in their practices, but their success rate was less consistent than the top 20 percent. Yet it was good enough that most of them have continued to offer this service and consider it a profit center in their businesses.
There was another group that I'll call the lower 20 percent that tended to experience more disappointment and frustration in offering the rejuvenation system. When I communicated with these practitioners, they often complained that their clients were not satisfied with the results of the treatments, and were trying to figure out what they were doing wrong. Of course, my team and I tried to coach these people to help them dial up their techniques so they could be more successful, yet not always successfully.
What was remarkable is that all of these practitioners were using the same equipment, had taken the same training with the same reference materials, and most were using the same skin products! Yet this 20-60-20 rule seemed to keep recurring over the years.
The Secrets to Success
When I started looking deeper into the personalities of the practitioners in these groups, it became clear that the top 20 percent were people who emanated extremely positive, loving energy most of the time. They seemed to be tuned into some inner fountain of healing energy that they freely shared as they performed their clinical techniques.
The 60 percent majority were also positive, caring people, yet perhaps had not yet developed their ability to flow healing light through their energy fields as well as the top 20 percent.
When I communicated with those in the lower 20 percent, they seemed to be experiencing more struggle and negativity in their lives and finances than the practitioners in the other two groups.
These observations made me wonder – what would it take to get more of these practitioners into having the charismatic experiences of the top 20 percent? The answer to that question is much clearer to me now then it was back when I first started wondering about it. Now I see that positive results in rejuvenation work come from a combination of three vital factors:
Essential Factor #1: Using Effective Clinical Techniques: Utilizing appropriate vibrational energies and techniques makes a big difference in results. I have found the combination of microcurrent and color light therapy, applied to sets of acupoints on the face and body, to be the most effective for this purpose. Combining this with well-selected acupuncture needling could enhance results, but is not necessary.
Essential Factor #2: Empowering Clients to Participate in Their Own Rejuvenation Process. This includes breathing exercises, visualizations, special meditations, self-acupressure on the face, and positive lifestyle choices of diet and exercise.
Essential Factor #3: The consciousness of the practitioner. As described above, it is clear to me that practitioners who have committed to keeping their energy vibration high tend to produce superior client results. They are acting as energy transmitters, helping re-program each client's DNA toward true rejuvenation. (See my online column archives for an article elaborating on how healing energy is transmitted through the quantum field of light.)
External and Internal Rejuvenation is Possible
The science of epigenetics demonstrates how our environment, lifestyle, thoughts and feelings are constantly affecting our gene expressions, i.e., DNA. Our DNA is constantly out-picturing its programming through our physical, emotional and spiritual manifestations. Therefore, we can accurately say that practitioners emanating love, light and high-level vibration are helping their clients re-program their DNA in sync with that, creating a more beautiful exterior. This, in combination with the physical changes in skin and muscle tone stimulated by external rejuvenation techniques, creates beautiful synergistic effects.
It is well worth cultivating our ability to activate our own higher healing energies. We will enjoy higher-level clinical results and a more fulfilling life experience, and better contribute to the upliftment of the entire human race. Why? Because we truly are all interconnected.
Editor's Note: Readers wishing to receive more information about the science and practices referred to in this article can receive them free of charge by writing to Darren at or by requesting information via his website,