Another approach to regulate the Yang Ming / Tai Yin circuit is to use an extraordinary vessel (EOV) approach. EOV treatments can be essential in a long-haul post-viral state, as they can help restore integrity to the body’s energetic system on the deepest level. Various combinations can be helpful; however, combining Chong Mai with Ren Mai is a good place to start, as it can help to regulate the gut (Chong Mai) and the lungs (Ren Mai).
| Digital ExclusiveEMF/RF/EHS and How I Broke My Nose on the Acupuncture Table
Editor's Note: This article was written in reference to the Acupuncture Today article from February 2022, "EMF Exposures: Adverse Effects on Patient Health and Outcomes," by Dr. Kathy Veon.
I am trained as a professional meridian yoga teacher and have also studied energy medicine with Donna Eden. I have been a longtime acupuncture and chiropractic patient for many decades.
I have also had the unique experience of surviving a lightning strike; based on my training as well as my history, I can explain exactly how I broke my nose in the acupuncture office.
My Experience
One afternoon, after falling into a deep sleep on the table, I was jolted awake by a high-pitched frequency I hear turning on and off, day and night.
Microwave hearing was described in 1960 by Alan Frey. It was also described by James Lin in 2007, in his article "Hearing of Microwave Pulses by Humans and Animals: Effects, Mechanism, and Thresholds." He wrote:
"[T]he microwave pulse, upon absorption by soft tissues in the head, launches a thermoelastic wave of acoustic pressure that travels by bone conduction to the inner ear. There, it activates the cochlear receptors via the same process involved for normal hearing. Aside from tissue heating, microwave auditory effect is the most widely accepted biological effect of microwave radiation with a known mechanism of interaction: the thermoelastic theory."
On the day in question, needles had been placed in acupuncture points under my eyes (on the stomach meridian) to treat my sinuses. As I awoke suddenly with my heart pounding, caused by a blast of microwave radiation, the bones in my head and face instantaneously contracted deeply to protect my brain. The needle on my right cheek flew out of place, while the needle in my left cheek was driven deeper into my face. The force of the bones in my face attempting to clamp down and meeting an immovable object (the needle) broke the bridge of my nose.
When I visited my chiropractor, he could track the injury in the unusual pattern of misplaced bones in my face. The late chiropractor Dr. William Maykel's office was hard-wired and cellphones were prohibited. He recognized that his patients were not holding their adjustments when exposed to RF.
Now, when I am awakened several times a night by auditory frequencies, the place of injury in my sinus often makes a popping noise (and my goat-skin frame drum will also pop). When these facial bones repeatedly contract, any point of stress or imbalance in the head or face will be reactivated and weakened, including a misaligned jaw, sinus, ear, or eye condition. (This phenomenon also results in spinal misalignment n the torso caused by the reaction of the meridian pathways.)
A TCM Perspective
In the acupuncture office, my body was instinctively reacting to the microwave radiofrequencies that infiltrated the healing space, by tightening the pericardium to protect my heart, and by clamping down the cranial bones to protect my brain. I am convinced that the gallbladder and triple-heater meridians play an enormous role in attempting to protect the body from a phenomenon found in nature, which is a lightning strike coming from a particular direction.
Strike survivors describe the hair on their bodies standing on end, but much more is happening below the level of the skin. The meridians themselves are attempting to make the body less conductive. Herein lies a problem.
The contraction of the skull interferes with the flow of cerebral-spinal fluid, which cushions, lubricates and cools the brain, resulting in discomforting sensations of pressure, dehydration and heat. Brain fog and poor quality sleep are two common complaints caused by radiofrequency exposures.
I believe that when so-called "electromagnetic hypersensitivity" is evaluated relative to the meridians of Oriental medicine, the impact of wireless technologies on skyrocketing rates of neurological deaths, especially in the United States for older women, will become clear. The functioning of the glymphatic system and its role in detoxifying the brain are being scrambled. Against the backdrop of the meridians, it also becomes clear why symptoms of microwave illness vary by individual, and why they change over time.
I also believe that surgical gallbladder removals will be recognized as warning signals of electrical imbalance, rather than fueling the surgical assembly line and viewed as a nutrition issue. Removing the gallbladder is akin to removing the warning light on the car dashboard.
Changing the Status Quo
In 2018, Indiana chiropractor Kristen Corinne Walton won the ability to opt out of having a digital smart meter placed on the building where she practices, after threatening to sue Duke Energy for lost income, both due to her own genetics and the fact that the practice was being accessed by patients who also experienced microwave illnesses.
Dr. Walton herself is electrosensitive. Her functional medicine MD had previously written a "medical letter of necessity" based on her genetics / symptoms that led to the utility meter being removed from her residence. She explains, "The diagnosis code W90.8XXA is associated with mutations in any of the CACNA1C genes, describing symptoms as listed in a paper by Dr. Martin Pall."
Her household accommodation helped set the stage for her accessing the right to not having the wireless utility meter installed on her office building.
Educate Yourself
But aside from practitioners, patients also need accommodation. Acupuncture was developed in a clean electromagnetic environment, but in a polluted environment, the needles can act as unintentional antennas and introduce impure frequencies. As a result, many electrosensitive patients are advised to forgo needles.
At the same time, many practices are located in buildings that are permeated with artificial frequencies from cellphones, Wi-Fi, iPads, towers, antennas, and satellites, but many practitioners are not EMF-literate.
The EMR Network, "Campaign for Radiation-Free Communities: Places People Call Home," created a Wi-Fi Awareness Letter for health care providers. "The purpose of this letter is to educate ... health care providers about the negative health effects of having WIFI in their offices, both to their patients and to themselves as they have a greater exposure working there throughout the day."
As an example, the Network Healing Center in Acton, Mass., has implemented policies to protect patients and staff. Physicians for Safe Technology has become a clearing house for independent, non-industry science. The WEEP Initiative has also created a Guide for Patients to share with practitioners. Many patients find themselves in the awkward position of having to educate practitioners, sometimes with less than desirable results, while being charged for care.
But beyond the actions of proactive healers who might be ready, willing and able to take action in their own offices, there is an example of a historical precedent that involved two professions willing to call for a paradigm shift in medicine.
Both anesthesiologists and pediatricians opposed surgeons performing routine tonsillectomies in children. If the acupuncture profession were to call for protection from man-made, artificial frequencies in their offices and in the homes of their medically vulnerable patients, as an issue of accommodation, it would be one small step toward restoring justice and human rights in the face of an inadequately regulated telecom industry operating under inhumane and outdated claims about thermal vs. nonthermal effects of radiofrequencies, ignoring juxtaposed exposures, cumulative effects, chronic effects, sensitive populations, proximal infrastructure, and non-benefiting, non-consenting populations.
This action would also preserve the integrity of acupuncture. Acupuncture is most likely a superior treatment method for restoring order to a chaotic energy system.
We are repeating many of the cognitive errors of the chemical age with the commoditization of frequencies. And it's not only about human health; the environment is also at risk. Radiofrequencies are being introduced into communities, including integrative medicine offices, without knowledge or consent.
Building biologists can assist practitioners in assessing the exposures they are subjecting their patients to over the course of their hours of operation. The 2021 EMF Medical Conference also offers an important resource.
References / Notes
- Daniel Orlansky's Yoga of Energy Flow. For more information, click here.
- Eden Energy Medicine. For more information, click here.
- "The Work of Allan H. Frey." Cellular Phone Task Force. Read Here
- Lin JC, Wang Z. Hearing of microwave pulses by humans and animals: effects, mechanism, and thresholds. Health Phys, 2007 Jun;92(6):621-8.
- Pritchard C, Rosenorn-Lanng E. Neurological deaths of American adults (55-74) and the over 75's by sex compared with 20 Western countries 1989–2010: cause for concern. Surg Neurol Int, 2015 Jul 23;6:123.
- Douillard J. "Mood, Memory + Brain Fog: Cleanse Your Brain's Glymphatic System With Ayurveda.", July 21, 2020. Read Here
- Pall ML. Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression. J Chem Neuroanat, 2016 Sep;75(Part B):43-51.
- WiFi Awareness Letter. The EMR Network, May 23, 2021. Read Here
- "Radio Frequency Radiation and Your Health: An Inconvenient Truth." Read Here
- "Digital Technology and Public Health." Physicians for Safe Technology. Read Here
- "Electro Hypersensitivity: Talking to Your Doctor." Read Here
- Dwyer-Hemmings L. "A wicked operation"? Tonsillectomy in twentieth-century Britain. Med Hist, 2018 Apr; 62(2): 217–241.
- "The FCC Is a Captured Agency: Commisioners Are Former Wireless Industry Insiders." Environmental Health Trust. Read Here
- "Non-Thermal Effects." Physicians for Safe Technology. Read Here
- "5G Earth Day Countdown: Children — Amelia's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cell Tower Days.", April 21, 2021. Read Here
- "NIER Effects on Flauna and Flora: A Major Review." Microwave News, Sept. 21, 2021. Read Here
- This conference was convened online in January 2021 and attended by over 800 people from 30+ nations. The information and resources provided at this conference are still very relevant today. Presentations were made by internationally recognized scientists who have published in the field of bioelectromagnetics; by knowledgeable health practitioners who treat people for EMF-associated illness and injuries; and by healthy building engineers who test EMF exposures and mitigate hazards provide a high-quality education and training experience. Due to popular demand, two CME/CE-accredited courses designed for health practitioners based on the conference will be offered until May 2023; as well as subscriptions to access VIMEO on Demand for viewing and sharing the entire conference proceedings at your own pace.