As modern medical standardization continues, the field of traditional Chinese medicine has the advantage of comprehensive personalization. For rare or complex cases, deeper consideration of constitution is invaluable. Proper constitutional assessment, especially with first-time clients, can guide desirable and predictable outcomes. This leads to a higher rate of return, and greater trust between you and your patient.
Frank Driano, DC, DCBCN
Dr. Frank Driano is a chiropractic physician practicing functional medicine for 30-plus years. He holds a diplomate in nutrition through the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition, in addition to advanced studies and certification in applied kinesiology. He is a former faculty member of Sherman College of Chiropractic, where he was an instructor of courses in physical examination, clinical diagnosis, case studies and orthopedic/neurology. Dr. Driano is presently working as director of research with Professional Co-op Laboratory Services (