As modern medical standardization continues, the field of traditional Chinese medicine has the advantage of comprehensive personalization. For rare or complex cases, deeper consideration of constitution is invaluable. Proper constitutional assessment, especially with first-time clients, can guide desirable and predictable outcomes. This leads to a higher rate of return, and greater trust between you and your patient.
James Spears, MS
James Spears graduated from the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in 2001. He has studied in five university hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Hang-zhou; and studied and practiced in the U.S., Vietnam and Thailand. From 2008-2011, he was approved by the NCCAOM to lead educational tours to China for post-graduates. James has been practicing the Balance Method and Tung style acupuncture since 2004, and has written the book Meridian Circuit Systems. His current research is on Master Tung's points and how they relate to fascial plane anatomy. For more information or to contact him, visit