
Kerry Boyle, MS, LAc

Kerry Boyle is a nationally board certified, licensed acupuncturist in practice at Integrative Acupuncture in both Williston and Montpelier, Vt. ( A 2003 graduate of Bastyr University, she specializes in integrating acupuncture and Chinese medicine for women's health and fertility. Kerry is a 2020 acupuncture doctoral candidate at Pacific College.

Previous Articles

Cesarean Delivery & Acupuncture: Evidence-Based Report on Prevention, Recovery, VBACs and Trauma Treatment (Pt. 2)
August 2020 (Vol. 21, Issue 08)

Cesarean Delivery & Acupuncture: Evidence-Based Report on Prevention, Recovery, VBACs and Trauma Treatment (Pt. 1)
July 2020 (Vol. 21, Issue 07)