
Nicole Lentfer, LAc

Nicole Lentfer lives and practices in Austin, Texas. She has been a certified acupuncturist and herbologist, and practicing clinical nutritionist, for almost 20 years. Nicole became interested in natural medicine after overcoming several health challenges including acne, adrenal fatigue and shoulder pain. In her private practice, she helps hundreds of patients each year overcome their allergies, hormonal challenges and chronic pain with natural remedies.

Previous Articles

Using Email Marketing to Create Loyal Fans of Your Acupuncture Clinic   
June 1, 2024 (Vol. 25, Issue 6)

Is It the Right Time to Hire an Office Manager for Your Growing Practice?
February 2024 (Vol. 25, Issue 2)

When Acupuncture Doesn't Work
September 2021 (Vol. 22, Issue 09)