
Sean Guinan, LAc, EAMP

Sean Guinan, LAc, EAMP, is an adult and pediatric acupuncturist. He is the former director of the Center for Advanced Acupuncture Pediatrics and excels in the areas of holistic pediatrics, reproductive health and environmental medicine. Previously, Sean worked as an environmental biologist where he developed a persistent awe of the human-nature connection. He is founder of Holistic Kidz, an online resource empowering parents to help their children thrive; and creator of Environmental Pediatrics Institute, an educational hub for medical professions exploring the impact of nature on children's health.

Previous Articles

The Environment, Kids & Toxicity
April 2017 (Vol. 18, Issue 04)

Meshing TCM With Environmental Pediatrics: Where's the Overlap?
December 2016 (Vol. 17, Issue 12)