
Tina Chen, LAc

Tina Chen graduated from South Baylo University and the University of California at Irvine, and received extensive postgraduate training at Anhui Hospital, First Tienjin Hospital and Guananmen Hospital in the People's Republic of China. She is a licensed acupuncturist and is certified by the World Health Organization in traditional Chinese medicine, with specialties in herbology and internal medicine. She is a professor of Chinese herbology at South Baylo.

Previous Articles

Using Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Measurements to Determine an Objective TCM Diagnosis (Pt. 2)
April 1, 2025 (Vol. 25, Issue 4)

Interpreting Blood Pressure Readings by Eight-Principle Diagnostic Standards
October 2004 (Vol. 05, Issue 10)

Sexual Arousal Disorder: Western and Oriental Medical Perspectives, Part Two
October 2002 (Vol. 03, Issue 10)

Sexual Arousal Disorder: Western and Oriental Medical Perspectives, Part I
August 2002 (Vol. 03, Issue 08)