
October 2006 (Vol. 7, Issue 10)

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Study Finds Utilization "Substantial," Impact on Insurance Expenditures "Modest"
Kathryn Feather

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Nonprofit Group Brings the Benefits of Alternative Medicine to Those Who Need It Most
Stephane Babcock

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Opposition to the Bill Now Neutral
Stephane Babcock

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Editorial Staff

Billing / Fees / Insurance

General Acupuncture
Editorial Staff

General Acupuncture
Editorial Staff

General Acupuncture
Andrew Rader, LAc, MS

Steven Alpern, LAc

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Jennifer Waters, LAc, Dipl. Ac

Hormonal and Other Factors Contributing to the Decline of the Skin
Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, LAc, Dipl. Ac., MS, MM; Belinda Anderson, PhD, MAOM, LicAc

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Kristen E. Porter, PhD, MS, MAc, LAc; Elizabeth Sommers, PhD, MPH, LAc

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Samuel A. Collins

Darren Starwynn, OMD, LAc

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Editorial Staff

General Acupuncture
Christine Laing

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Felice Dunas, PhD

Billing / Fees / Insurance
Martha Lucas, PhD, LAc; Denise Ellinger, LAc

Allergies & Asthma
Kaleb Montgomery, DTCM

Billing / Fees / Insurance
JoAnn Tall, LAc

Bob Flaws, LAc, FNAAOM (USA), FRCHM (UK)