
December 2022 (Vol. 23, Issue 12)

Practice Pearls
An Essential Acronym to Remember: CPAUPSEEM
Kenton Sefcik, RAc, Dipl. Ac., Dipl. TCM

Treatment Room
Lee Chen-Yu, BA, OMD; Scott Herbster, LAc, Dipl. OM

Clinic Tips & Tools
Nell Smircina, MBA, DAOM, LAc, Dipl. OM

Your Practice
Which One Do You Use (and How Compliant Is It)?
David Bibbey, Dipl. Ac., LAc

Clinical Herbalism

Part 1: Are cancer and pregnancy always contraindicated?
Phil Harrington, DC, CMLSO, FASLMS

Technique Corner
Pam Ferguson, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM), AOBTA & GSD-CI, LMT

Practice & Profession  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE
A Year of Progress and What to Build On
Marilyn Allen, Editor at Large

Back Pain
Wei (Vivien) Zhang, LAc

Health & Wellness  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

Pain Relief / Prevention
Editorial Staff