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While the range of disorders for which patients seek acupuncture treatment is increasing, many practitioners still find that the majority of their appointments involve musculoskeletal disorders and pain. These disorders may involve acute trauma, slow-healing injuries or more chronic conditions. In any case, acupuncture is frequently the treatment of choice.
David Boyd
General Acupuncture
In the first part of this series, I discussed the managed care industry and its interest in developing networks of acupuncture providers. I also shared my view that acupuncturists must come to terms with managed care if we ever hope to become part of the mainstream medical system in America.…
Matthew Bauer, LAc
Volunteers Wanted for Multi-Site Study
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the United States, affecting more than 16 million Americans and approximately 75% of the population over age 50. Also known as degenerative joint disease, the condition causes the breakdown of cartilage in joints, leading to joint pain and stiffness. It can…
Editorial Staff
These questions are asked so frequently that we must have replied hundreds of times. For most people, acupuncture is still strange and new: the thought of bringing your child is extraordinary, even to many acupuncturists! Our answer is simple: acupuncture can do a lot for your child. It is a…
Julian Scott; Teresa Barlow
Hospital and Doctor's Duty to Disclose Alternative Therapy Options
The federal Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA), which administers Medicare’s medical programs, announced that it is now requiring hospitals and other health care providers to provide their patients with advice about pain-relief options. This would include the right to request or reject specific pain medications and the right to select…
Numerous studies have documented the cost-effectiveness of acupuncture compared to traditional Western medical care. A 1994 study of stroke patients showed that those who received acupuncture spent an average of 73 days less in a hospital or nursing home than those receiving standard care alone, saving an average of more…
Editorial Staff
Any emerging profession such as Oriental medicine can always be improved by increasing standards, especially as more knowledge, skills and abilities become more available to this society. However, any adjustment in standards should be based on demonstrated needs. Further, in order to be most effective and economical, such changes should…
Lloyd Wright, DNBAO, LAc, AP, BA; Elizabeth Goldblatt; Thomas Haines, PhD
MRI Scans Provide Objective Evidence that Treatment Works
For more than 2,500 years, acupuncture has been one of the world’s most popular forms of health care. Only in the latter part of this century has the practice of acupuncture gained acceptance in North America, but the profession appears to have earned much respect in that short time. A…
Michael Devitt
The Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has chosen Robert M. Shook as its new president, bringing more than a quarter century of experience in health care administration and management to the position. Mr. Shook replaces Fred Lanphear, who had served as the school’s president the last six years.
Editorial Staff

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