Original Air Date: November 07, 2013
Sponsored by Progressive Laboratories
Dr. Kyl Smith, DC
Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor, Dynamic Chiropractic
Agenda at a glance:
- 1 in 4 Men Over 30 Has "Low Testosterone" and Even More Men Have "Low-Normal Testosterone" Potentially Representing The #1 Unmet Need in Aging Men Today!
- Did You Know - Low Testosterone Increases Responsiveness To Nociceptive Stimuli? Think of How This May Relate to Your Male Patients Who Suffer With Chronic Pain!
- In This Webinar, DC's Will Learn How Diet, Exercise, and Nutrition Can Be Utilized To Significantly Increase Testosterone In Otherwise Healthy Male Patients.
- Increasing Testosterone Improves: Lean Muscle Mass - Physical Stamina - Endurance - Vitality - Motivation Mental Performance - Speed of Reaction - Sexual Functions - Libido and Capability
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Original Air Date: October 08, 2013
Sponsored by Apex Energetics™
Michael Pierce, DC, DACNB, FACFN
Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor, Dynamic Chiropractic
This webinar, written by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, will examine the physiological changes that take place in the endocrine, immune, nervous, and vascular systems with both healthy exercise and overtraining syndrome. We will also discuss immunometabolic mechanisms - such as environment, infection, and food intolerances - and the role they play in your patients and clients who have the inability to lose weight.
You Will Learn:
- The impact of exercise on brain-derived neurotrophic factor and brain health
- The positive and negative endocrine shifts that may occur after exercise
- Information on immunometabolism, including the role the immune system plays in metabolism and obesity
- When and when not to use exercise as a health strategy for clients
- Approaches to avoid metabolic overtraining syndrome
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Original Air Date: September 12, 2013
Sponsored by Apex Energetics™
Dr. John Saman, Director, Practitioner Advisors at Apex Energetics
Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor, Dynamic Chiropractic
Brain degeneration is a serious problem that can affect not only your patients and clients but also their family members. To support them, we must first understand how to recognize the earliest signs of neurodegeneration. This webinar, developed by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, will help attendees learn the signs and symptoms, while providing a literature review of early clinical findings.
You Will Learn:
- How to recognize the earliest signs of degenerative conditions that impact memory and cognition
- How to recognize the earliest signs of degenerative conditions that impact posture and movement
- Strategies to help you support brain health
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Original Air Date: August 13, 2013
Sponsored by Apex Energetics™
Dr. Mark Flannery, DC, MS, BS, FAAIM, DCBCN, DCCN, CNS
Donald M. Petersen, Jr., Publisher of Dynamic Chiropractic and Acupuncture Today
Dr. Flannery will review the complex relationships and interactions among the gastrointestinal, hepatic, and immune systems. He will detail the complex relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and liver mechanisms.
He Will Also Discuss:
- The hepatic-gastrointestinal connection to systemic inflammation
- Connections among the gastrointestinal tract, liver, immune system, and thyroid
- The gastrointestinal-hepatic connection to cholesterol levels
- The gastrointestinal-hepatic-immune connection to neurological issues
- Food allergies and the hepatic-immune connection
- Toxicants vs. xenobiotics
- Symptoms of compromised hepatic clearance vs. symptoms of loss of chemical tolerance
- NF-kB and the hepatic-immune connection
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Original Air Date: July 18, 2013
Sponsored by Apex Energetics™
Dr. Mark Flannery, DC, MS, BS, FAAIM, DCBCN, DCCN, CNS
Donald M. Petersen, Jr., Publisher of Dynamic Chiropractic and Acupuncture Today
Neurology, Gastrointestinal Activity, Inflammation, and Their Connections -- We will discuss recent scientific papers on the brain-gut axis and the role it plays with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), intestinal permeability or "leaky gut syndrome," and abnormal intestinal motility as it relates to various conditions. How to make the connections, identify symptomology, and clinical approaches will also be reviewed.
Agenda at a glance:
- Neurology and dysfunction of the Brain-Gut Axis
- Spinal misalignment and the neurological-dysfunction connection
- Brain symptomology and how to identify it
- Assessing your patients
- And more
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Original Air Date: June 13, 2013
Sponsored by Apex Energetics™
Dr. Mark Flannery, DC, MS, BS, FAAIM, DCBCN, DCCN, CNS
Ramon McLeod, Editor-in-Chief of Dynamic Chiropractic and Acupuncture Today
What You'll Learn About the Growing Impact of Toxins on Neuroendocrine Immunology:
- The growing science of immune-chemical tolerance and how this relates to systemic inflammation and various degenerative conditions.
- How the quantitative model of environmental toxins varies from the model of immune-chemical tolerance.
- The potential adverse reactions from chelation therapy.
- Which physiological mechanisms will determine the response to environmental toxins?
- Clinical strategies you can use to engage appropriate physiological mechanisms.
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