Consequences for HIPAA violations can often be quite harsh. If someone has breached the HIPAA privacy regulations – even without any malicious intent, civil penalties are applicable: $100 per violation for unawareness, a minimum of $1,000 for reasonable cause, a minimum of $10,000 if willful neglect is present and then rectified, and finally, a minimum of $50,000 for individuals who act with willful neglect and ignore the issue.
| Digital ExclusiveLingering Pathogenic Factors and the Paradox of Treatment
The causes of allergies are complex and interrelated. They include primarily lingering pathogenic factors (LPFs); toxicity; heredity; and trauma. In a previous column, I discussed the definition, causes and results of LPFs. That column stimulated a number of responses from people who wanted more information on the rapid esoteric treatment of LPFs, which I had made reference to. This article is primarily a response to those questions.
Esoteric methods within traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are difficult to define and discuss in the English language. Our language lacks subtlety around discussions of energy, hence our use of the Chinese word qi. Acupuncture is one good way to access qi. It is not the only way, and is not always the best way: it is the most famous TCM method in the West, partly because of its novelty. Medical qi gong is a less famous way to access qi, and in my mind includes a vast array of techniques involving affecting qi without actually needing to touch the person being treated. Medical qi gong, then, is used in this article as a broad category for the intangible or subtle arts of TCM. Medical qi gong is different from the qi gong practiced as health maintenance exercise for oneself, such as tai chi. Medical qi gong can include taoist shamanic healing techniques, which can be ancient or modern, but are little known in the West, and outlawed in the East.
In my ongoing studies of TCM, I was drawn to these more subtle and esoteric arts because of their profound ability to treat deeper roots of problems I was seeing in my practice very quickly and effectively -- primarily allergies. I found myself continually redefining allergies and LPFs until I had a very broad definition of both, allowing for all the subtlety I am capable of perceiving. My training focused especially on becoming a medical intuitive within the taoist tradition, in order to perceive evermore subtle depths of imbalances in a person's qi, as well as how to rebalance these subtle matters.
I do not know if other people know how to treat LPFs with medical qi gong as it is commonly known, though I doubt I am the only one. I have never seen anything written on this subject. I learned in the traditional method of ancient shamans and mystics who meditated on a problem until an answer presented itself. This involves the shamanic technique of intentionally altering one's state of consciousness to perceive spirit realms or other dimensions -- something I didn't really believe in until I experienced it myself. This was a mind-shattering experience, which destroyed many of my previously held beliefs. This experience is not for everyone! I am not complaining, however. I prefer my new beliefs -- they are far less limiting.
When I followed the instructions given me during my meditations, I found I could treat a lingering pathogenic factor in a matter of seconds. It is important to know that each LPF is different, and that there is no "one way" to treat them. The paradox is that learning to treat LPFs quickly and easily takes a lot of time, hard work, a good teacher, and courage. There are hazards to the practitioner in this work.. It requires plenty of self-healing and practice, and skills in medical divination and medical intuition, as well as shamanic healing methods. Not all of our patients are ready for such subtle healing methods. Inevitably, that which involves the mystery of the divine is seen as "weird" by many.
The methods I use are my own. I am willing to teach them to qualified acupuncturists who feel this kind of work is their calling. It is certainly exciting, effective, and very efficient work. I am grateful to have learned it. It has changed every aspect of my life.
The topic of esoteric and subtle healing is vast, and difficult to describe in a short article. I elaborate on the subject in greater detail in classes I teach, which are posted on my web site below.