Consequences for HIPAA violations can often be quite harsh. If someone has breached the HIPAA privacy regulations – even without any malicious intent, civil penalties are applicable: $100 per violation for unawareness, a minimum of $1,000 for reasonable cause, a minimum of $10,000 if willful neglect is present and then rectified, and finally, a minimum of $50,000 for individuals who act with willful neglect and ignore the issue.
| Digital ExclusiveHeavy Metal Poisoning and Allergies, Part One
Heavy metal poisoning is endemic wherever metal dental fillings are used. These fillings, called silver amalgam, are at least 50% mercury. Other ingredients include silver, tin, zinc and copper.
Mercury is known to be highly toxic to the human body, especially the brain. Mercury tends to affect the kidney system in Chinese medicine, which includes the brain, bones, adrenals and, ironically, the teeth. Research has shown 90% percent of the population to be allergic to mercury, and 95% to be allergic to copper. This means that nearly everyone is allergic to amalgam dental fillings. An allergy to this dental work can lead to other allergies and sensitivities, and is a primary cause of chemical sensitivity.
What does it mean to be allergic to a toxic amalgam? An allergy is like a panic attack. When a person is in the throes of an allergic reaction, the person is not thinking or reacting clearly or logically. Like a rabbit panicking in front of a car, the body does the worst thing it can do: it stores the toxin. How much is stored, and where, depends somewhat upon the individual. However, the kidneys, brain and bones are the most likely storage places for mercury. The liver, as the other major detoxifying organ, is a secondary site of toxic heavy metal storage.
The more poisonous heavy metals your body stores, the less likely you are to be able to think clearly, remember well, or maintain healthy bone structure. The more mercury in your body, the more susceptible you are to invasive fungal infections; kidney and bladder infections; growth and hormonal disorders and imbalances; thyroid dysfunction; migraines and other types of headaches; digestive ailments of all kinds; multiple sclerosis; degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's; and sinus, ear and lung infections.
Mercury in particular affects the emotional centers of the brain, causing depression; anxiety; anger problems; and a variety of other emotional imbalances. Mercury poisoning accounts for the phrase, "Mad as a hatter," because people who made hats in the old days were exposed to high levels of mercury as an occupational hazard.
Psychological problems as well as the other diseases named above are complex, and often have a variety of causes. The solution is rarely simple. However, metal fillings are entirely avoidable, and it is my opinion that everyone should avoid them. Prevention here is, as always, the best medicine.
I want to make it clear that I am not recommending that everyone rush out and get their metal dental work removed immediately. Toxic exposure increases when the dental work is disturbed, so many factors must be carefully considered before removing the dental work. A person who is ill, debilitated or very sensitive needs to proceed very cautiously, if at all. Many sick people have been made worse by having dental work done without proper caution. Every person's dental situation is unique, and must be considered in context of the whole person.
Replacing amalgam fillings usually means switching to composite and porcelain dental work. Amalgam fillings look like metal, and are black or silver. Composite and porcelain dental work is white and looks much like regular teeth. There are many different formulas for composites, so it is best to test dental materials for compatibility with your own body before getting dental work. Porcelain is tolerated by nearly everyone, but is typically used for crowns, not fillings.
Electrical readings are a consideration as well. For example, having gold dental work right next to silver dental work sets up an electrical situation like a battery. This is unhealthy, and may help determine the priorities of getting certain dental work replaced sooner. A mercury removal specialist is an excellent source of information if you are concerned about your dental work. I am not a dentist, and there are many considerations to keep in mind if you choose to have dental work done. It is important to educate yourself about your options and what is the exact nature of your own dental situation. The invasiveness and toxicity of getting any dental work done is always a consideration.
The safest advice is to never get any new silver amalgam dental work done. If your old amalgams need replacing, get them replaced with composite or porcelain.
For more information, please refer to the book It's All in Your Head by Hal Huggins, DDS.