ACAOM Accreditation Update

Editorial Staff  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE

The University of East-West Medicine in Sunnyvale, California is the latest school to gain full accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The university was notified of the decision following a meeting of ACAOM officials in May 2005.

"It's a significant achievement for the school," said Jenty Hasan, a university spokesperson. "The students are very excited. It opens the door for students to all kinds of things."

The University of East-West Medicine was founded in 1997. Its acupuncture program first gained candidate status from ACAOM in 2003. Approximately 175 students are enrolled at the school, which confers a Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine degree to graduates.

In related news, the acupuncture program at the University of Bridgeport in Bridgeport, Connecticut, was granted candidate status for a three-year period. In addition, the Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin's program was reaccredited for the maximum five-year period, and the World Medicine Institute (formerly the Tai Hsuan Foundation) was reaccredited for four years.

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