NCCAOM Announces New Exam Schedule, Testing Format for June

Editorial Staff  |  DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE

The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) has announced that its next series of exam modules will be administered over a two-week period beginning June 19, 2006. Based on availability, candidates will be able to take their exams at any time between June 19 and July 1, and to choose from a list of more than 200 exam sites throughout the U.S.

"The flexibility of this new examination cycle will greatly benefit each candidate," said Dr. Kory Ward-Cook, NCCAOM chief executive officer. "No longer will candidates be forced to take their examinations within a constrained period of two days. This new, lengthened examination administration will provide flexibility for the candidates and allow them to set their schedule according to their own needs."

In addition to the new exam schedule, NCCAOM has announced a new exam registration process, which is expected to save time and make it easier for candidates to register for exams. Candidates will be notified of their eligibility to register directly with the NCCAOM's testing vendor; while registering, candidates will be able to select a test site and then choose the best time in which to take their exam. Candidates also will have the ability to complete their registration online or by calling a toll-free number.

For the first time, candidates will take their exams using a computerized testing administration process under an agreement with a new testing vendor, Pearson VUE. The computerized testing process is one of the leading reasons candidates will be able to take their exams at different times and to choose from different exam sites.

"We are excited to be able to offer our candidates testing flexibility from a highly respected testing company," commented Laura Culver Edgar, NCCAOM deputy director. "The agreement with Pearson VUE greatly enhances NCCAOM's goal to educate and support Oriental medicine practitioners in achieving their educational and professional goals."

A complete list of exam sites, along with the toll-free registration number, will be made available to all registered candidates in the near future. Questions regarding the June exams or the registration process should be directed to the NCCAOM at (703) 548-9004, or via e-mail at

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