Another approach to regulate the Yang Ming / Tai Yin circuit is to use an extraordinary vessel (EOV) approach. EOV treatments can be essential in a long-haul post-viral state, as they can help restore integrity to the body’s energetic system on the deepest level. Various combinations can be helpful; however, combining Chong Mai with Ren Mai is a good place to start, as it can help to regulate the gut (Chong Mai) and the lungs (Ren Mai).
| Digital ExclusiveSpirits of the Points: Large Intestine Official
Author's Note: In a prior article, I discussed large intestine points 1, 4, 5, 6, and 11 (October 2011 issue). This article features LI points 3, 7, 8, and 9.
The Drainer of the Dregs
The large intestine official (aka colon) is the great eliminator. Professor J.R. Worsley called it the "drainer of the dregs." Dregs is defined as the remnants of liquid, with its sediment left in a container; or the basest, least valuable portion of anything – in other words, the waste at the bottom of the barrel.
It is obvious that no organ or function can operate as nature ordained if it is riddled with toxicity. It is the job of this official to eliminate the waste of every official (aka organ / function) at the physical, mental and spirit levels. Thus, an imbalance in the large intestine could produce symptoms anywhere and everywhere. (I discussed this official in depth in the March 2017 issue.)
LI 3: Third Interval
As the wood point of the meridian, this point brings the power of wood to this official: a fresh vision, new beginnings and the strength of rebirth of spring. The power of wood is strong, vigorous and assertive. Many metal-imbalanced patients need the strong kickstart of wood to let go of old, stuck patterns to clearly see the way forward.
LI 7: Warm Current
This point provides a more gentle encouragement to letting go of what is old and stale than LI 3. Elimination requires fluidity. There must be sufficient fluid at the right temperature to allow for free and easy flow.
Many metal-imbalanced patients tend to be cold, rigid and unyielding. Warmth allows metal to soften and bend. This point brings the warmth of fire to the large intestine. It allows for a comfortable physical release of waste, as well as a release of negativity at the mental and spirit levels.
Mentally, the internal chatter of old, stubborn, repetitive thoughts, concepts, grudges, and judgments can be washed away in this current. At the spirit level, our self-perceptions of superiority or inferiority, inflated or lack of self-worth can be cleansed by this point. Warmth brings feelings of joy and good humor.
In a state of mature good humor, we can more easily laugh at ourselves, without scorn or ridicule, and let go of what is egotistical and no longer needed or wanted. We can comfortably and joyfully enter the flow of life and interact with others. Beneath those layers of rust and debris, we find pure consciousness – brilliant and shining.
LI 8: Lower Side
There can be no "higher" reached without there also being a "lower." Often, it is from the negative that we glean important lessons. We tend to use this point on metal-imbalanced patients who cannot transcend their "lower" ego-dominated desires and reach what is pure and pristine. The first character of the point name translates as "lower" or "below"; the second character translates as "pure," "modest," and "incorruptible."
Physically, this point helps to clear waste in the lower portions of the body. Mentally, it helps clear away heavy, toxic thoughts, concepts, prejudices, and judgments from the past that we carry. At the spirit level, the point helps to eliminate the weight of false beliefs, freeing our spirit to its innate radiance, which nothing can corrupt.
Human beings are said to be the connection between heaven above and Earth below. The Earth is our foundation, providing stability and nourishment. Thus, we consider this point for the patient who lacks the firm, level foundation from which to ascend.
LI 9: Upper Angle
As there is a "lower," there must also be an "upper." As there is Earth below, there is heaven above. Physically, the point helps eliminate waste from the upper portions of the body. To understand its spiritual connotation, we find the first character in the point name translates as "above, supreme" and "top." This implies a connection to heaven, which provides inspiration, purpose and value in our lives – the spiritual qualities of the metal element.
We consider this point for metal-imbalanced patients who lack self-respect and a sense of inner quality. They may seek it by way of material or spiritual pursuits: longing for the right job, the perfect teacher, the right diet; or acquiring more money, titles, awards, and other external symbols of value; but they seem to be always disappointed, never reaching "it."
When our "upper angle" is secure, we have a spiritual "roof" over our heads from which we will not be led astray. All our life experiences can be seen as purposeful opportunities to grow and evolve.
Author's Note: There are many interpretations and uses of these points in various traditions; the preceding is not intended to encompass all possibilities. English translations of point names are those taught by Professor J.R. Worsley and appear in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Volume 1: Meridians and Points by J.R. Worsley; Element Books, 1982.