Structured water (H3O2) can be considered a fourth state of water between liquid and solid. It has the hexagonal structure of ice; however, missing a critical bond, it behaves more like a gel than a solid, but retains some of its crystalline structure.
Angela C. Liu, MD (China), OMD, MSS, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)
Dr. Angela C. Liu is a licensed Acupuncture Physician by National Board NCCAOM, Florida & Georgia Medical Board. A former sports medicine MD/ Acupuncture Physician for World Champion athletes in Beijing, China, a World Silver Medal Awarded Physician with a Master's degree in sports medicine (Scholarships): US, 1994. Dr. Liu is also a Former President of Alabama Association of OM. She has been a visiting scholar in both European countries as well as China and the US. She is a bilingual (Chinese/English) journalist. She can be reached at 678-559-5187 and Her website is