Consequences for HIPAA violations can often be quite harsh. If someone has breached the HIPAA privacy regulations – even without any malicious intent, civil penalties are applicable: $100 per violation for unawareness, a minimum of $1,000 for reasonable cause, a minimum of $10,000 if willful neglect is present and then rectified, and finally, a minimum of $50,000 for individuals who act with willful neglect and ignore the issue.
| Digital ExclusiveIt's Time to Talk About Sex
Do you know the way your patients have sex can make them sick? And that it can ruin the results of your work with them? Our professional ancestors not only knew that, but also were among the first physicians in human history to study sexuality as a possible cause and remedy for illness. Ancient Chinese tradition has used sex as a powerful healing modality.
It's time to talk about that forbidden topic because, simply put, it's no longer forbidden. Times have changed and patients are more comfortable with the subject as part of their intake or during ongoing treatment conversations.
Why should you consider this subject seriously? Because sex came first, pardon the pun. It was the first modality used, before needles made of bone and herbs, to move and generate chi and blood, and heal disease. Archeological evidence documents that the sexual healing arts are more than 3,000 years old; hundreds of years older than acupuncture and the use of herbs as a predominant form of medicine.

Thousands of years later, the way your patients have sex, or don't, plays a role in their health. If their sex lives hinder your success as a practitioner, that's important and you want to guide them so they can better participate in their healing success.
How Does Sex Effect Chi?
The sexual act generates chi through the friction of touch. Locations on the genitals correlate to different organs, so one can manipulate or build chi in individual organs with different positions and stimulations. The resulting chi can be directed or stored, used to heal illness or enhance stamina and longevity.
How Do You Bring Up The Topic of Sex?
My suggestion is that you begin by putting the topic into your intake form. State that patients may avoid answering the following questions if they are uncomfortable with them. Then, try a few simple questions, such as:
- Are you single or partnered?
- How frequently are you sexual?
- Have you experienced sexual trauma in your past?
- On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being "everything I want it to be," how would you rate your sex life currently?
By bringing up the topic on the intake form, you give patients the option to respond or not. If they do, you may assume you have permission to address the subject further. Maintain physical distance while discussing this topic. The words are very intimate and strong physical boundaries need to be maintained to protect both you and your patient.
Key Points for You and Your Patients
I'd like to share a few basic directives of the sexual healing arts. If you know nothing else about how our professional ancestors used sex medicinally, and how their work should apply to your practice, I want you to know this.
- Sex is to be avoided after acupuncture for at least six hours because sex redirects energy in the body. After acupuncture, the resulting energetic movement needs time to optimize treatment results. This is also why eating or consumption of alcohol is not suggested after acupuncture. Sex is to be avoided immediately prior to acupuncture as well, because it has such a strong effect on chi and can change pulses.
- Sex is to be avoided when tired, even though one may feel drawn to it. Often sexual desire when fatigued is a sign that the kidneys need rest. They speak by using sexual desire to say "I need nourishment" because, when done properly, sex can generate chi and nourish the water element.
Many people masturbate right before they go to sleep. It feels relaxing. If you have a chi- or blood-deficient patient, this practice is not advisable because it can further weaken them. This may not be easy for people to implement, but it's a worthy topic to approach, anyway.
3. If your patient is "servicing" a partner sexually and isn't fully and enthusiastically engaged, this can create disharmony in the flow of chi and blood in and around the genitals. Any number of urologic, gynecologic and prostatic problems can result. Urge your patients to consider the percentage of time they are truly present in the sexual act and the percentage of time they are pushing themselves out, respecting a partner's needs.
Author's Note: Redwing Books and other sources have my book, Passion Play: Ancient Secrets for a Lifetime of Health and Happiness Through Sensational Sex, if you'd like more information on this topic. Redwing can also tell you about other books written by our colleagues on the topic.